Necturus maculosus aquarium


New member
Dec 22, 2007
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Vitoria, Basque Country, Spain
Do Necturus maculosus need a very oxygenated aquarium? Because where I have the aquarium there isn´t any plug, so I can not put a filter or an aerator.
Thanks a lot.
Yes. Their natural habitat is usually flowing water, and only rarely are they found in still water.
They're only found in still waters when the temps are really cold. In Michigan waters they can be found in still shallow waters only during the winter months. Cold water holds more oxygen. If you keeping N. maculosus in temperatures between 50-60 degrees F with tons of plants, you can get away with still water. I still wouldn't keep this species above 60 degrees. Good luck.
Thank you very much. Another question, Which aquatic plants can survive at temps of 5ºC?

Some of my tanks freeze over in the winter. My plants always make it. Elodea, Hornworts, and Java Moss. I'm sure there are other plants that could make it. Here is a pic of one of my tanks that froze over. The Java Moss in it is still green as ever and still alive.


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Are these protected in the US?
I´ve witnessed an explosion of avaliability of this species in this side of the ocean, many shops start having these for relatively low to very low prices... All WC no doubt. A great amount of Euryceas and Desmognathus came along and I guess this was all done illegally...Sad thing is, being so cheap, any one these days can buy them and WC animals as Necturus are very dificult to climatize once again in a tank so I expect that sadly many individuals will pass away... These are not easy at all after the stress they were subjected from the import. I have a friend that is in this hobby for nearly 30 years, and he lost already 1 of his 4 N.maculosus. Imagine what will a noob, or relatively young person on the hobby do to these...
Anyway these are only my 2 cents...
Are these protected in the US?
I´ve witnessed an explosion of avaliability of this species in this side of the ocean, many shops start having these for relatively low to very low prices... All WC no doubt. A great amount of Euryceas and Desmognathus came along and I guess this was all done illegally...Sad thing is, being so cheap, any one these days can buy them and WC animals as Necturus are very dificult to climatize once again in a tank so I expect that sadly many individuals will pass away... These are not easy at all after the stress they were subjected from the import. I have a friend that is in this hobby for nearly 30 years, and he lost already 1 of his 4 N.maculosus. Imagine what will a noob, or relatively young person on the hobby do to these...
Anyway these are only my 2 cents...

Necturus maculosus is very abundant in certain waters in the US. I know some states have regulations that vary. They can still be collected in bulk and sold as bait in some states. Sometimes it doesn't matter what is said or felt, it won't help. It sucks when 2 cents isn't worth a penny. The only thing that is worth doing is helping someone so their pet has a good captive life cycle.

I'm not here to discourage anyone from taking care of their pets. Demoralizing a keeper isn't going to help the animal at all. Aitortxu has a task at hand and we should be helping him focus on productive angles not negative view. I'm really familiar with this species so I can help with 1st hand wisdom. Eljorgo lets help! Your good with aquatic plants aren't you?
Thank you very much Neotenic_Jaymes, before I buy the animals I´m going to put some photos of the aquarium, which is yet cycled and with the plants inside. I have bought Java moss and 19 plants of Egeria densa.
Best regards ;)
Thank you very much Neotenic_Jaymes, before I buy the animals I´m going to put some photos of the aquarium, which is yet cycled and with the plants inside. I have bought Java moss and 19 plants of Egeria densa.
Best regards ;)

Can't wait to see the aquarium. What size tank? How many salamanders are going to be housed in the tank?
I would say too small. The tank for this species should have at least 200l.
Hello again,
The water volume is 124l. Is it enough for an adult pair?
Soon I´m going to take some photos to post them here.
Best regards

I'd say the least should you can go is 151l. 200l would be my preference.
Thank you very much for your answers. So the aquarium is not enough for an adult pair of Necturus maculosus. It´s a shame, I wanted to try a breeding project with this species. Maybe in a future. Now I´m going to choose another aquatic caudate more adequate for my aquarium size.
Best regards.
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