after asking and reading a lot i tried to make my own tank for my incoming species but first i had to try it. firs i got my material, then clenaed my old tank the one i posted with two sotres (kinda) and put some great stuff, forgot to take pictures of that step, then i added water based waterproffing paint usualy you find it in white color
i strongly recomend to cover the glass with black silicone in the area where youre going to add the great stuff, also use egg crate or other material because after a while the foam start to lossen off the glass because humidity
Moved photos - Mark
(Message edited by aartse_tuyn on December 16, 2006)

i strongly recomend to cover the glass with black silicone in the area where youre going to add the great stuff, also use egg crate or other material because after a while the foam start to lossen off the glass because humidity
Moved photos - Mark
(Message edited by aartse_tuyn on December 16, 2006)