Well, my newts are finally laying eggs. I got two more females and another male, bringing the total up to three of each gender, and at least one found a suitable partner. I've noticed about four or five eggs by now, over the last 24 hours. I made up two things of egg-laying strips, and no luck there, so I guess I'm stuck with getting them off of the live and plastic plants I've got in there. I'm curious as to whether anyone has a technique that works well for removing the eggs, or if I'm just going to have to cut the leaves off the live plants and remove the plastic ones. Also, how much plant material will they need; I'm going to have to get more suitable plants for them to lay in if they don't use the bag strips.
I'd just like to say thanks to everyone that's helped me at this site; I've always been into amphibians and I've raised various frogs and salamanders before, but it's a lot easier and more efficient with your help, and I'm really learning about the species. N. viridescens is my favorite herp species, and aside from a terrestrial adult a few years back, these are the first ones I've ever found and it's been a fulfillment of a childhood dream; successfully breeding them is even more of a positive note.
I heard that the louisianensis sub-species isn't kept by many people apparently. If anyone wants any, I'll be putting up an ad in the for sale forum once I see how many eggs are coming in, for free, plus shipping.