I use tap water with a pH range of 7.6 - 8.2 and hardness between 140-190 dH, and do not monitor their tank. I haven't been happy with their productivity and have been considering some changes to their care. Maybe I'll try using softer water. I'm also considering a winter cooling period to try to get them on a more natural (and hopefully more productive) cycle. Do you have any ideas as to techniques or procediures that you are aware of.I don't think that nutrition is a problem, as they generally get fed twice a day with everything from pre-soaked cichlid pellets (so they sink),to the assortment of frozen foods that my fish get, to live foods such as daphnia, wax, white, and compost worms. My 3 pair are housed in a 5 gal. tank that is filtered with a sponge filter. The sole decor is a healthy thicket of Elodea, and the temperature stays pretty constant at 67-70. Any feedback or ideas is much appreciated.