I just upgraded my tank to a bigger tank (not sure how many gallons,but id say around 10-20 gallons).I had my two toads for over a year now in a 3 gallon tank with no filter..odd that they survived!For x-mas I got another toad (a baby) and a new bigger tank for my toads.So now I have my three toads in this tank.But for some reason,my two adult toads are acting very werid.They used to be VERY active,never hid in there cave or ANYTHING and was always swimming.But in there new tank (25% land and 75% water) they seem to be sitting on land all the time and hiding in the cave with the baby
I can understand why the baby is hiding all the time,shes new but my ADULTS hiding and like never swimming? NO WAY! This is VERY odd!Why are they doing this to me?Im getting scared because its not like them!The water is almost 4 inches and is filtered.It has plants and stuff that they can grap onto while trying to swim.The land has moss and a cave.I hand feed my toads,they all seem to be eating.Will my toads ever be active agian or are they just in a bigger tank and a bit scared?Please answer!