Bless you all for your lovely comments, My big tank is 48" x 20" and has about 10" of water depth, and my smaller one is 36" x 20" with about 10" water depth again, I got most of my stuff locally and over time as they are not cheep lol.
Hayley i think yours suits your axy alot
but i know what you mean always getting new ideas it's the same with fish tanks lol
Casey the plants are fake but are the fabric ones as look a little more real and are softer,
and the tank cost me £45 new.
I also prefer sand to big pebbles it's easier to clean and I hated the noise they made when the moved around whilst cleaning, like fingers on a chalk board
Solaris is in the bowl Its my little one too small to go in with the big ones yet but i float it as the larger the volume of water the less dramatic the temperature change, if on the side it changes all the time..
I hope my axys like it anyway ( bet they do)
Think i've covered everyone lol,
And thank you again its nice to now what you all think