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My older female Spanish Ribbed Newt has had trouble eating for quite a long time now, almost a year I think. She is so skinny compared to my other fat newts. She is about 10 which is fairly old. I got her and her 3 tank mates second hand. 2 of them are young and her and another female are older but the other one acts just the same as the young male and female. It all started when she lost her arm and it had all been downhill from their. We don’t quite know what happened but it may have been an accident with the cat. Her arm has fully regenerated but her apatite didn’t come back. I hand feed her frozen brine shrimp and blood worms, sometimes she snaps at them but with so little force that I don’t think she swallows any, and sometimes she is completely indifferent to the food. She also doesn’t seek it out. I’m afraid she hasn’t eaten anything big for a year and I’m worried.