i got a Salamander about 4 days ago, and at first we didnt have anything for him to eat, and i tried feeding him turtle food, he didnt even try eating it, then i tried feeding it flightless living fruit flys, and he didnt even try either. all he does is sit in his tank in the same place and not move, he is alive though!!
but im afraid he wont be for very long
at first i had a small tank for him, that i filled about 2 and a half inches full with water, and put a rock into it for him to get out of the water.
now i have him in a larger aquariam, with a small dish filled with water, and some sand in the corner of the aquariam.
hes a spotted mole salamander, its a baby, only about 3 inches long.
but im afraid he wont be for very long
at first i had a small tank for him, that i filled about 2 and a half inches full with water, and put a rock into it for him to get out of the water.
now i have him in a larger aquariam, with a small dish filled with water, and some sand in the corner of the aquariam.
hes a spotted mole salamander, its a baby, only about 3 inches long.