My Salamander is Sick, Please Help


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Oct 14, 2009
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United States
My tiger salamander is over 12 years old.
Several years ago he developed an eye infection. I took him to the vet and got antibiotic drops for him, he hated them but the infection cleared up.
A couple months ago the infection reemerged and spread to both eyes. Cleaning them and applying antibiotics didn't work this time. His eyes have been reduced to pits, leaving him blind. He continued to get around his tank okay, ate well, and did not seem to be in any pain.
However, a couple of weeks ago he stopped eating and has started to spend most of his time hiding in his log. I have tried had feeding him but he simply refuses to eat. I'm afraid that he may be close to dying. I just don't know what's wrong. Is it his eye infection, old age, or depression? Is there anything I can do for him?
I think we can rule out depression, but infection and old age are both possible. It could also be the final stage of some other long-term deterioration, like a dietary deficiency. I think your guess is as good as anyone else's.
Wow, thats really sad. One of my three newts isnt eating right now, the last time I know for sure that he ate was three weeks ago. If anything happens to him I'll be pretty upset and I've only had him a year. (I moved their tank from downstairs to upstairs so Im hoping he's just upset about the move and will get over it).

If your salamader is twelve years old then its possible that he's dieing of age and the infection got a hold because his body isnt strong enough to fight it off.
My Salamander is Sick, Please Help (Update)

I took my little boy to the vet yesterday and had him put down.
I had promised myself that if he showed signs of being in pain I would do it and yesterday he had started vomiting and was extremely restless. The vet gave him a sedative so he would fall asleep. I told him that I would see him again some day and held him until he fell asleep. Then the vet took him in the back room to give him the last injection.
We buried him in the back yard with our other pets. I'm really going to miss him. I had the little guy for half of my life.
Oh dear, Im so sorry about your little guy. At least you know you took assertive action rather than just letting the situation deteriorate slowly. He was lucky to be in such good hands.

My unhappy dude tried to jump ship last night, my roomate found him when she swept him into a dirt pile. He was alright, aside from being coated in dust bunnys and hair. And whatever it is thats making him so unhappy in the first place.
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