My newts!


New member
May 7, 2007
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Hello everyone!

I want to show you my newts. Although they are very common, they're the most beautiful C. orientalis I've ever seen :D

I think they are two males. I would like to buy one or two females for them, but I can't find any. Furthermore, I was really lucky to find newts in a shops. It rarely happens in Spain.

Well, these are my little boys(?)









Very nice!

Wow, it looks like you have a really good camera! I wish I could get shots like that! I especially like the pictures with the mouth open, you can see the V-shaped tooth pattern on the roof of the mouth really well, thats something I haven't seen before in a photo! Good luck and have fun with them!

That last photo seems to be a male.

Awesome newts! Nice pics of the mouth too. Never knew what the inside really looked like.
Such fabulous newts! I was nearly tempted by something similar, but at that point I was on an axolotl hunt. Now the more I look on this fantastic site the more tempted I am..perhaps if the kids live in the shed I could convert their rooms.......
awesome pictures!!

out of interest, what camera do you have.. i only ask as i am currently hunting for a new one:)

i think i might have to get some more newts, the only species i have atm are the native smooth and palmate newts.
It's a Canon 400D. It could take better pictures but I'm an awful photographer. I guess I will have to learn how to use it properly... some day I will.

These are the only newts I have. I wish I could get some notophthalmus or ambystoma opacum, but it is impossible in Spain. Do you know if there is any European online shop where I could buy them?

By the way, I call Pitbull the one with spots in the face, because it becomes crazy when there's something to eat moving around him. I didn't know newts could be so "aggressive" with a poor worm.
That is an amazing shot of the vomerine ridges. Hopefully Jenn Macke will catch this!
Great pics! Ive never seen inside one of their mouths. Is it really that blue or did you feed them some candy?
Lovely photos. Whilst it's a great camera and your technique is great too, your composition and the colours of the background and objects set the newts off very well.
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