New member
I bought a newt about 2 weeks ago and only recently he started eating, but hes very active in the water and on land but he seems like he cant dive under the water to get food. He also doesnt seem to be bloated and is very skinny
Edit, I have lowered the water lvl quite alot and now hes trying to drive under for food but still cant fully send himself underI bought a newt about 2 weeks ago and only recently he started eating, but hes very active in the water and on land but he seems like he cant dive under the water to get food. He also doesnt seem to be bloated and is very skinny
From a pet store, I should've asked more questions about how old he is/eating problems but at the time I didnt even think about it and hes a fire belly newt just under 2inchesDid he come from a breeder or a pet store? If a breeder, you might want to contact to see if he's always had this problem.
In the meanwhile, make sure that the food is easily accessible for him so he can eat.
What type of newt is it as well?
I currently have no filter but i have been changing the water every 3-4 days, he loves being in the water too more often than one land no flow