great tank
your newt looks happy
I KNOW! hehe...funny thing is my parents dislikes animals and me and my older brother are the only ones who like to keep pets....lets see......we had a dog,a albino rabbit,2 canries,2 parokeets,a freshwater and saltwater tanks(both now at my other brothers house which is going GREAT!). and i had 2 dwarf hamsters,which lead to 15 dwarf hamsters due to thier night romps hehe. but all 15 were each given away to all trusted friends and families. But now me and my brother just have a cynop orientalis and a red eared slider which because of me feeding it fish made it huge! in one year lol. sooo sorry bout the long post but im bored and have nothing to
lol. sounds exciting. My mom likes animals but more towards dogs, fish and birds. She wants to get a goose when we move to a bigger house but I hope she gets a duck too. I love ducks.

Now in our tiny little home, we have 2 dogs, a whole pot of guppies, 1 tarantula and 1 C.O. Next in line should either be another tarantula, a chipmunk or a leopard gecko.
a chimpmunk? is that even legal to keep in captivity? if not IM GETTING ONE! lol. i always wanted a turantula but i was always scared it might get loose.
lol. maybe it is in my country. They sell em...

if u keep your tank closed there'd be a very low chance of it running out. It won't get lost anyway. They move quite slow. Actually they're easier to maintain than newts.
The tank looks very comfortable for a newt. You may have trouble in the long run with the thick layer of gravel, as it will tend to trap food and waste and be difficult to clean. After a while, you may find it easier to reduce the amount of gravel and find other ways of providing a shallow area and holding the rocks above water.
i brother just bought some gravelk thats like stones but small think i should buy that? its easier to clean since i could use a gravel vacuum first then clean the whole tank.
oo and i tend to not find that many dirty stuff alpong the way for food since i use a food dish. maybe some poop and bacteria are but i clean the tank once a week.
its not nessecary to clean the whole tank out once a week, are you cycling it? You should just make sure to clean any debris out and do 20% water changes or so. I like the colors in your setup it looks good!

(Message edited by mildgold on October 11, 2005)
Thanks! no im not cycling it its just i hate to see a dirty tank so i clean it for him hehe. oo and should i get him a 20 gallon or a 20 gallon long? im deciding to make him feel a little more free.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>khanh nguyen wrote on Tuesday, 11 October, 2005 - 22:39 :</font>

""<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

my water is crystal clear and i havnt did a water change in 2 weeks (its due for one tommorow)

If you dont have wood or sand in the tank i cant see why the water wouldnt stay clear, definitely read those links Jennifer posted
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