My New Tank


New member
Jan 9, 2011
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Manchester, UK
United Kingdom

Recently bought this new tank its a monster! L 99.5 CM W 30 CM H 40 CM. Just wondering I have one axolotl already and am in the process of cycling this tank how many axolotls is this tank suitable for? I am thinking of getting him a friend so am just curious. Thanks
with that size tank you could fit another 2 or 3 axies in there. Remembering the more axies you have the more mess you will have in the tank and you will have to be on top of your water changes and spot cleaning.
Thanks for the reply, I was only planning on introducing one other axie to keep Chicho company anyways. Would it matter on which sex Axolotl I chose? Don't want them fighting.
Axolotls of the same sex won't fight, but they may reproduce. That's something to keep in mind when getting your new axolotl. You will need an egg plan. Nice tank! Congrats on the future addition to your lotl family!
Thank you, They can change sex? Never knew that lol. Gona have to find out what sex Chicho is now lol. Are they guides for dealing with eggs etc on the forum ?
I'm sorry, I wasn't very clear there. I can't type as fast as I think :eek: I only meant that you won't have problems with fighting, but you will have problems with eggs. So if you don't want eggs, be sure to get same sex. Sorry for the confusion. So no they can't change sex. How old is your axolotl?
There's plenty of guides on the forum in the Larvea and breeding section of the axolotl subsection :)
I'm sorry, I wasn't very clear there. I can't type as fast as I think :eek: I only meant that you won't have problems with fighting, but you will have problems with eggs. So if you don't want eggs, be sure to get same sex. Sorry for the confusion. So no they can't change sex. How old is your axolotl?
Ah ok cool lol Phew, erm Chicho is 6-7 months old.
LOL even I was confused by that lol! Way to freak the kid out haha.. That would be SO confusing though if they could change sex.. MILLIONS OF EGGS!!!!!!! haha awesome.. :)
Yeah, that spooked me for a sec there too :lol: I'm thinking of getting my axi a friend, so I hope that your new addition goes well. Please keep us posted :happy:
Sorry again everyone :eek:

6 months probably isn't old enough to tell sex. Look for a change in toe color of all toes (dark toes go light, light toes go dark). You can sometimes tell by body shape, but that's really not reliable.
You can usually tell between 12 to 18 months, reliably any ways :) there's a few people on here who have thought that their 1 year olds were both female and some how got eggs one day :p
I shall keep an eye out then, another question there is a large light fixture in the tank itself and its quite bright. I'm quite worried about damaging my axies eyes should I leave it off or will it fine on ? Oh put some new decorations in today have a gander.
You shouldn't keep it on all day. I have heard of people keeping it on a certain amount of time for live plants and to take pictures. Otherwise it would be best to leave it off. Lotls prefer the dark.
Ok thanks, I've had it on a couple of times. Chicho doesn't seem to like it runs scared whenever I turn it on lol. Get paid next week so going to get him a new friend :D seen a white leustic in my local pet store,
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