My new 65 gallon tiger sal setup so far


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Jun 9, 2010
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Hello ladies and gentlemen. I did a quick landscape for my tiger salamander in this 65 gallon (36"x18"x24"h. I'll be adding additional substrate, and plants, (and maybe tiger salamander :rolleyes:?), and I will post updated pics as it fills in. hope you like it! comments welcome


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Hey King,

I guess you use that gravel to have the waterpart in the front, but Tigers would really feel well with a simple water bowl...either way, if you want to keep it that way, you should come up with some other idea maybe to seperate land from water - tigers like to dig a lot (I had to completely remove about 40 liter or so of soil twice in 4 months because I just did not see them anymore. The gravel you use now would not suit their needs. Otherwise, it looks good, what are temperatures in there?

All the best
Thanks both!
The quality and depth perception (otherwise aided by lighting) of this iPod-taken photo are poor, so my apologies. I promise the updated photos will be HQ :)
My system is difficult to explain in a 1-2-3 form, as it is somewhat inter-woven, kinda. Essentially, water depth = 4", substrate depth ≥ 5". And as noted above, I'll be filling more soil and plants in the next short while. I like to refresh (not re-do) the set-up 2-4x/year, depending on the reason. The stones you see in front corners are laid over soil, which lies atop more stones. This provides a clean, and dry transition, without compromising substrate depth.
After shuffling through methods, I've found this one to be more workable and self-sustaining than any others, personally.
I wouldn't recommend digging up your salamanders to make them more visible, unless they're requiring attention or monitoring. Burrowing is natural and necessary.
You are right about the perspective and depth perception with the photo...
Two things on which I would comment:
1. If the gravel is small enough to be ingested - I wouldn't use it anywhere in the top layer. Tigers lunge for food and can ingest foreign objects while feeding.
2. Can't really see the water system,,,, but assure that it can be cleaned frequently. Water becomes easily soiled and a source for pathogens. A shallow water bowl for that reason is what is usually used. For some odd reason, tigers often poop in their water.

Real plants are fine except in that tigers dig by nature, they often uproot plants. Can bury plants in potting containers sans 'potting soil' that contains perlite, fertilizers, etc...which helps somewhat. Silk plants are what I prefer due to low maintenance without lighting concerns.

Also can't visualize the top of the enclosure. A wire mesh top provides the best type of top as it allows for good ventilation which is a must....moist stagnant air can lead to health problems.
Thanks, Jan. In 13+ years, the only substrate that I have ever had trouble with is sand. There are risks with any loose materials. I do what's been working well for my animal friends.
The water's changed and tested routinely. Tried and true by us. And with cats, believe me, I'm stocked on mesh tops, lol ;)
A rule of thumb in my tanks (and garden.. and universe) is that every plant must be able to adapt. I've been circulating cuttings from certain Devil's Ivy and Creeping Jenny through my tanks and gardens for over 6 yrs. My plants beg for neglect.
Tiger salamanders indeed encounter plant roots and other naturally occurring obstacles in the wild; not so much potting containers, or water bowls. Nature provides it's own physical and mental strengthening and stimulation. Plants are like icebergs, and their roots form a vast underground network which we are simply unfamiliar with. As I see it, they're his plants, so he may do as he pleases with them :)

Thank you Martin21114, Jakob, and Jan for your much appreciated contributions!
Jakob, it's holding 69F, and I've seen the humidity between 56%-70%, depending on where in the viv and what time.
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