Thanks, Jan. In 13+ years, the only substrate that I have ever had trouble with is sand. There are risks with any loose materials. I do what's been working well for my animal friends.
The water's changed and tested routinely. Tried and true by us. And with cats, believe me, I'm stocked on mesh tops, lol

A rule of thumb in my tanks (and garden.. and universe) is that every plant must be able to adapt. I've been circulating cuttings from certain Devil's Ivy and Creeping Jenny through my tanks and gardens for over 6 yrs. My plants beg for neglect.
Tiger salamanders indeed encounter plant roots and other naturally occurring obstacles in the wild; not so much potting containers, or water bowls. Nature provides it's own physical and mental strengthening and stimulation. Plants are like icebergs, and their roots form a vast underground network which we are simply unfamiliar with. As I see it, they're
his plants, so he may do as he pleases with them
Thank you Martin21114, Jakob, and Jan for your much appreciated contributions!