Question: My Lotls Spawned, First Time with Eggs!!


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Jul 16, 2015
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Hey guys! I've been a huge fan from afar and finally have a reason to post!

My axolotls Bu and Apollo mated and about nine days ago I found quite a few eggs all over my vallisneria and java moss in my 50gal tank.

Here are a few shots of Bu and Apollo as juveniles. Here they are more recently and their tank now. Bu is a wild type male and Apollo the momma is a golden albino. These are her eggs and here's an album on their development so far.

A majority of the eggs were attached to the blades on my val, so I carefully removed the plants and placed them in a new 10gal tank. I filled the tank about half way with cycled water from my main tank and purchased a pump and sponge filter to aerate and move the water.

I'm hoping to culture both brine shrimp and daphnia as food for the babies. I live in London, Ontario so anyone with knowledge of a good source nearby would be incredibly helpful! At the moment I am going to purchase some Daphnia magna, but its not a local source and I'm not even sure if they're small enough to feed the babies? I have already bought some brine shrimp eggs, might do a trial run soon, to make sure I know what I'm doing.

My plan is to keep the baby axolotls in the 10gal they are hatching in. As they hatch I’ll remove most of the vas, and infertile eggs, but leave the moss. I’ll hatch live brine shrimp with an air pump setup to two straws each in a 2L plastic bottle, with a lamp to incubate. I've read they can last up to two days, so I'll start one every other day until I can get daphnia cultures going in a separate bucket. I was thinking I could just net the axolotls out and feed them in a bunch of separate tiny vessels for 30 minutes twice daily and place them back in the 10gal tank after, that is until the daphnia are ready and can be directly placed in their 10gal for feeding.

My Check List:
-Turkey baster x2
-Air pump with two outlets.
-Brineshrimp eggs
-2L bottle x2
-Straw x2
-Coffee filters
-Daphnia culture
-Bucket for daphnia
-Yeast for feeding
-Aquatic plants duck weed, mosses.
-Air pump for bucket

...Do the daphnia need anything else?

I was also curious about the genetics:

Am I right in assuming that...

Bu: Wild type male expresses no recessive traits
D/D D/d...... M/M M/m...... A/A A/a...... AX/AX AX/ax
Apollo: Golden albino Female expresses albino recessive trait
D/D D/d...... M/M /M/m...... a/a............ AX/AX AX/ax

So The Offspring:
Most likely setup: No leucistic, no melanoid, half albinos, no axanthic.
......D d...... 0% Leucistic
......M m...... 0% Melanoid
......a a...... 50% Albino
A Aa Aa
a aa aa
......Ax ax...... 0% Axanthic
Ax AxAx Axax
Ax AxAx Axax

Second Most Likely setup: No leucistic, no melanoid, half albinos, no axanthic.
......D D...... 0% Leucistic
......M M...... 0% Melanoid
......a a...... 50% Albino
A Aa Aa
a aa aa
......Ax AX...... 0% Axanthic
Ax AxAx AxAx
Ax AxAx AxAx

Possible alternative squares:
......D d...... 25% Leucistic if both Bu and Apollo are heterozygous.
d Dd dd
......M m...... 25% Melanoid if both Bu and Apollo are heterozygous.
m MM mm
......a a...... 0% Albino if Bu is homozygous dominant.
A Aa Aa
A Aa Aa
......Ax ax...... 25% Axanthic if both Bu and Apollo are heterozygous.
Ax AxAx Axax
ax AxAx axax

Not sure if I understood the genetics of it right or if I'm oversimplifying it...?

Thanks for reading this and any extra info or guidance is welcome!
Hi Taymerica and welcome to the forum. :happy:
I don't have any experience with rearing eggs, but I hope that this information will be useful Axolotls - Rearing from Egg to Adult
I'm sure that some of the more experienced keepers will be along soon to help you with your specific questions.
Please keep us posted on your progress. :happy:
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  • AxieCrazy:
    Hello. I’m looking for some input. My axolotl is about 7 months old. I came home and her gills are completely white. I was reading that they do shed around this age. Could this be why her gills are white? The ph is 6.5-7. Nitrates are 80 Nitrites 0.5
  • AxieCrazy:
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  • Anlucero:
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1