My Little Paludarium Setup



Please kindly comment on my humble little





<font color="ff0000">Moderator: Edited photos to read top down</font>

(Message edited by apples on May 10, 2005)
Three Rana sp. and two juv. Firebelly newts

here's a pic of the Rana.sp. with luminous
green vertebral stripe.
It's a beautiful vivarium. When you say "juv firebelly newts" do you mean "Rana dinner"? Even if they don't become Rana dinner, I suspect the newts will disappear into the moss and crevices and it will be hard to know if they are eating or even still in there. Although I love the setup, I probably wouldn't put small newts into it. What are you using as food?
I am using frozen blood worms and freshly molted

Always seen them feasting together on the frozen
blood worms. No problem of attacking each other...but I am considering your advise of just
keeping one species inside.


innocent looking
Can you tell me something about the plants you used. It looks great.
The fact the newt is grey is a sign that it's being kept too warm.
GORGEOUS!! Now hubby wants to know why I can't make one that looks like yours!! lol maybe thats a good idea for one of my smaller tanks...
OMG!! Thats a gorgeous setup!! Its paradise to me!!! That stream is soooooooooooooo enchanting!Man, I wish I could see it upclose. Hope all your animals appreciate it. Anything living in the water, it doesnt look like it could sustain any vertebrates.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>William Jones wrote on Monday, 09 May, 2005 - 18:06 :</font>

"do you know what rana sp. they are?"<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Oops..I just found that they are actually
Occidozyga Laevis, not Rana sp.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>Benjamin Tajer wrote on Monday, 09 May, 2005 - 19:22 :</font>

"The fact the newt is grey is a sign that it's being kept too warm."<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

I think it's due to the reflection from the lighting when I took the pic...thats why it looks greyish.

(Message edited by exotica on May 10, 2005)
Thanks for all your comments.

I need some advise here though...which amphibian
is more suitable for my setup?

I am thinking of taking out the C.orientalis
to place them in a more aquatic setup.
Is my tank suitable to keep T.shangjing?

(Message edited by exotica on May 14, 2005)
If you modify it slightly it should be okay. shanjing need ventilation or they can develop skin problems, so you'll need to have a screen lid. Also, it looks a little too wet for shanjing. If you can keep the majority of it on the drier side then I would say go for it.
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