My fuzhong tank



Well in a mad rage of inspiration I decided to take all the spare aquarium stuff lying around the house and renovate my fuzhong tank. I used an old eheim cannister filter that we got from friends who moved away five years ago. I got a turtle dock last time I went to the US and decided to use it as well. With deeper water and a more elaborate cave network the newts seem to love the new setup.

The small pal pen with blue lid is in there because it houses an animal which got in a fight with one of the others. I know it seems a bit cruel but this was the most I could give it, and now I can share its heating with the others. It also interacts with the others through the glass when they try to sniff eachother's cloacas. The small pal pen is equiped with a miniature of everything in the larger tank.

Well here it is.


Any suggestions to change or improve the tank are welcome, I will soon post pictures of the animals enjoying their tank.
Sometimes a burst of inspiration is the best way to get things done. Nice set-up Benjamin. Is the offender on "time-out", or is he in permanent lock-down?
I'm not completely sure yet. I'm thinking of rotating him with his rival but I also know that these newts form into terretorial male and female pairs and I'm worried switching him with his enemy could stress the female.
It would be far more advisable to keep them where they are. They will settle into the territories they are given, however small.
I would also not keep the critter pen in the main tank as the males can still see each other.
I would also add some more aquatic plants, such as vallisineria (the long reed-like plant which sends out runners with new plants on the end).
Otherwise it looks like a very good setup
Well here are some pics of the occupants of the main tank, because it's near impossible to take a picture through two layers of glass I couldn't get a shot of the third one:

Here's fatso, the king of the tank


Here's fatso's "wife"


Now here's a picture of fatso and his wife just hang'n out together on a piece of wood.


These two newts unlike my fire bellies really seem to enjoy each other's company. When they meet they seem to enjoy sniffing and just sitting around together, some times they even rest on top of each other (but they aren't fighting or tail fanning). Has any one else who keeps paras noticed this behaviour?
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>Benjamin Tajer wrote on Saturday, 02 April, 2005 - 17:40 :</font>

"and now I can share its heating with the others."<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

What do you mean by this?
Don't say you heat you're tank.
I can explain. The tank is in an outdoor shed because my mom has newt phobia. I use a heater to keep the tank at 19º c.
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