Hello everyone, my name is Mihovil and I joined this community because I found a new pet and I want to learn more about his needs.
First of all, I would like the help of everyone here to try and identify this specie:
Picasa Web Albums - MihovilRatajecFSB - My new little...
I'm not sure which specie he/she really is and therefore I'm unsure how to rearrange his terrarium. The thing is - we found him in our garden near the chopped logs storage and it was raining heavily that day ( 3 days ago) We had an unused aquarium of 35L of capacity (Mirabello model) and we created an environment using grass as cover for soil, some rocks and one tree bark for him to hide. He also has a little pool area with fresh water. It doesn't look much yet, but that's because I'm uncertain which species he is and what would he like. I know that he is a terrestrial specie that requires small body of water but for further terrarium upgrading I need to know more about him.
Picasa Web Albums - MihovilRatajecFSB - My new little...
I fed him two days ago with small earthworm (4cm / 1.5"long) I found outside and he immediately ate it. All information I gathered so far was from "super newt" site but I would really like advices for you, more experienced people than myself. I also read that it's a good sign if he spends his time around the body of water - which means that the water is really fresh and clean. I am also a bit worried about his skin. When I look at the pictures of other amphibians I can clearly see a "thin film" of moist on their skin and which means that they are healthy and okay. But mine doesn't have that moist on his skin - should this worry me even more? I don't handle him at all and I try not to disturb him and stress him. My room is very quite and still most of the day so the "outside world" shouldn't bother him too much.
First of all, I would like the help of everyone here to try and identify this specie:
Picasa Web Albums - MihovilRatajecFSB - My new little...
I'm not sure which specie he/she really is and therefore I'm unsure how to rearrange his terrarium. The thing is - we found him in our garden near the chopped logs storage and it was raining heavily that day ( 3 days ago) We had an unused aquarium of 35L of capacity (Mirabello model) and we created an environment using grass as cover for soil, some rocks and one tree bark for him to hide. He also has a little pool area with fresh water. It doesn't look much yet, but that's because I'm uncertain which species he is and what would he like. I know that he is a terrestrial specie that requires small body of water but for further terrarium upgrading I need to know more about him.
Picasa Web Albums - MihovilRatajecFSB - My new little...
I fed him two days ago with small earthworm (4cm / 1.5"long) I found outside and he immediately ate it. All information I gathered so far was from "super newt" site but I would really like advices for you, more experienced people than myself. I also read that it's a good sign if he spends his time around the body of water - which means that the water is really fresh and clean. I am also a bit worried about his skin. When I look at the pictures of other amphibians I can clearly see a "thin film" of moist on their skin and which means that they are healthy and okay. But mine doesn't have that moist on his skin - should this worry me even more? I don't handle him at all and I try not to disturb him and stress him. My room is very quite and still most of the day so the "outside world" shouldn't bother him too much.