My first Axolotl tank setup! How is it?


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Jan 26, 2011
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United States
Ok, here it is. I still have 4 fake plants to add to the back wall, but you get the idea of it. The water is quite turbulent on the top of the tank because of the air filter and the air pump, but everything I read talked about how much oxygen they needed...

Is the big rock a good or bad idea? I like it because they can't choke on it! But it also has pretty smoothed edges, and looks easy to clean. I also used sand for ease of cleaning... I hope the plants will defuse the bubbles and turbulence a little bit...

Any suggestions or critiques?:dizzy:


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I can't imagine any axolotl being able to choke on that rock!
It is a very lovely rock, but it will be a pain to keep the muck out from under it. I personally would maybe only use a rock half the size, securely propped up as a hide.
What is the measurements for your tank ?
Sand is probably the most popular substrate for axolotls on the forum.

I have a large bit of slate in my tank, because lot's spend more of thier time walking around I like to think it makes things more interesting for them to have different levels, which they do seem to use.

I will suggest some more plants, lots of vegetation will diffuse the light and will also give them comfortable places to hide, but leaving enough room to have a good stroll.

If you're worried about the rate of water flow, to slow mine down I use a vivarium 'hanging' type fake plant, wrapped around the filter in such a way that it breaks up the flow, it works rather well, and also hides the filter.

how many gallons is your tank?
Personally I would get a smaller rock and use the extra space to add a few hide outs. You mentioned the water was quite turbulent... is there any way you could make the flow face the wall to decrease it? Axies prefer still water.
That is a spectacular rock :happy: I really like it. :lol: cute little squid too :D
It's looking good! It will look even better with the other plants in there too. Personally I'd want to keep such a nice rock and might be tempted to push it right back, if it will go any further, once I got the other plants in there to give a little more walking space along the front :happy: but I can just see an axie sitting perched up on that rock waiting to be fed :lol:
You will probably also need to ad a hid of some description so he/she can get away from everything. A nice big PVC pipe with one open end pushed right up against the back in that space under the filter would work and positioned that way would allow your axie to get out of the water flow for a while. The pipe would need to big enough for them to turn around in though.
You will probably find that the oxygen added by the water falling into the tank from the filter will be more than sufficient for axies so you could turn the airstone off or turn it waaaaaay down. My axies are scared of bubbles :( but I'm told some absolutely love them. You could try filling the tank a little more so that the water lever is just above the top of where the water currently falls into the tank from. It would still airate the water as it came down that first spillway but you would reduce turbulence just by not having it falling so far into the tank ;) I've had a few HOB filters that have had a dial to turn the flow down, maybe yours does too, it would help with the turbulence.
There are some nice and very large plastic/silk plants available now that you could put in front of the filter to slow it a little too
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Thanks for the feedback! It is a 10 gallon tank. Now that you mention it, I think I will get a hide out for my Axie (I forgot one of those). And I suppose you guys are right about the rock being too big, so maybe I will leave it in until my Axie grows a bit and then switch it out so he/she has more walking room. I can't wait to get the rest of my plants in the mail! I wanna see it finished! I'll post pictures when it is done. Thanks again for the suggestions!:p
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