Photo: My first 55 gallon tank project


New member
Aug 30, 2011
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South Korea
Hey all~
I have decided to purchase 55gallon tank, last week I posted my 20gallon tank! lol
I am actually new to Axolotls, and I researched so much~thanks to
It was very time consuming and especially money consuming~ wow I do not know how much I spent to get what I need~ well I gave 20gallon tank for my guppies and tetras~ very lovely~
Equipment i used are:
1. EHEIM Ecco Canister Filter 80gallon (so expensive...could not find classic filter near pet store)
2. 55 gallon tank Marineland
3. Air Pump Air-4000 80gallon with 25ft tube, airline holders, T-valve, bubble wand tube (not good for sand...I need to take it out today after work...:cry:)
4. Driftwood (it was hard to find good looking ones..not fully satisfied but this was best I could find)
5. Aquatic Fan (I am not sure if this works well...but I purchased it anyhow)
6. White Sand Substrate 2 X 20lbs
7 API First Layer Pure Laterite (this was to provide nutrient to live plants)
8. API Freshwater Testing kit (very useful)
9. Aquatic plants: Cabomba (this grows really fast), Moneywort, Wisteria, Hornwort, and two other..I forgot the name (I had to put some to my looks really empty need to get more plants)
10. thermometer
11. LED light day/night 24" (this was another expensive item I am using it for my 20 gallon long tank, I tried night/blue light on my Axies they all glow~pretty cool)
12. Aqueon Water Changer 50ft (this works really good but you have to waste little water:p)
**I used play sand first but it was dust for so long and I had to scrape it out...and had to purchase another pre-layer nutrient fertilizer..not so sand is very smooth and small particle..but I don't recommend it...rather get something more costly than purchasing something cheap and regretting!! Spend few more bucks and it will last so much longer~

Here is where I left yesterday~I will be doing more work when I get home 6pm!! can't wait~


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Lookin' good!
I planted some more plants last night~
water is kinda yellow due to driftwood which I washed so many times and so many hours in the water~ lol still yellow
Top part looks so empty~ hopefully plants grow fast and fill the top part~
Water is still cycling PH 7.2 Ammonia .25 Nitrate 0 Nitrite .25...this look normal? lol
it is same thing for my 20gallon fish tank~

Well I'll keep it posted when I put my Axies~lol


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