Well, I've been taking a look at everyone else's terraria, and noticed that mine was considerably different from all others, so I guess I'll post and let you take a look.
It's a 10g that uses two 27w screw in cf, a rigged computer fan for cooling, and a plumbed humidifier (that I got from Wallmart) to maintain 100% humidity. The back is just black slate and GS, and I covered any exposed foam with silicone and peat. The water section is (despite appearances) just under 5 gallons, and I siliconed plexiglass in place to provide a watertight separation between the land and water sections. Next, I just put coark bark over that and just used GS/silicone to fill the gaps. There's no filter, but I do daily 90% water changes, and it keeps my inhabitants (and the plants happy.)
For aquatic flora, I have dwarf hairgrass, aluminum plants, micro chain sword, a mixture of christmas/taiwan/java moss, Hemianthus micranthemoides, and banana plants. The land section consists of live sphagnum moss, java moss, taiwan moss, club moss, christmas moss liverworts, unknown mosses, baby's tears, earth stars, several tillandsia, and a bromeliad. Plus, my fat little buddha. Anyway, that's enough talk, so take a look at the photos.
Newt's Eye View
Overview (water section only 1/3 full here)
A Look in the Water (again, only 1/3 full)
Land Overview
So, any comments or suggestions are welcome. Thanks for looking.
It's a 10g that uses two 27w screw in cf, a rigged computer fan for cooling, and a plumbed humidifier (that I got from Wallmart) to maintain 100% humidity. The back is just black slate and GS, and I covered any exposed foam with silicone and peat. The water section is (despite appearances) just under 5 gallons, and I siliconed plexiglass in place to provide a watertight separation between the land and water sections. Next, I just put coark bark over that and just used GS/silicone to fill the gaps. There's no filter, but I do daily 90% water changes, and it keeps my inhabitants (and the plants happy.)
For aquatic flora, I have dwarf hairgrass, aluminum plants, micro chain sword, a mixture of christmas/taiwan/java moss, Hemianthus micranthemoides, and banana plants. The land section consists of live sphagnum moss, java moss, taiwan moss, club moss, christmas moss liverworts, unknown mosses, baby's tears, earth stars, several tillandsia, and a bromeliad. Plus, my fat little buddha. Anyway, that's enough talk, so take a look at the photos.
Newt's Eye View
Overview (water section only 1/3 full here)
A Look in the Water (again, only 1/3 full)
Land Overview
So, any comments or suggestions are welcome. Thanks for looking.