My Fire Bellied Newts Keeps Floating~Help!!!


New member
May 14, 2016
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AL - Alabama
United States
I bought 2 Fire Bellied Newts 16 years ago & they were not juveniles when I bought them.
I have never had any trouble with them. Just a few days ago one keeps floating. I actually thought it was dead but when I picked him up he moved around a little. He has no discoloration or any bumbs or wounds that I can see.
I have never had one die so I have no reference of what happens when one dies.
Does anyone with experience with newts have any advice?


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What is the substrate?
What is the diet? Any recent changes?
What are the water parameters?
Any other strange behaviors or changes to skin?
What is the substrate?
What is the diet? Any recent changes?
What are the water parameters?
Any other strange behaviors or changes to skin?
Medium size pebbles so I know there is no choking hazards. Mine are very picky & the only things they will eat are newt pellets & frozen blood worms.
There are no strange behaviors until Wed when I noticed. There is no wounds or discoloration on the skin. They have java moss, drift wood a large rock & a fake plant. The only other thing that lives with are 3 small smalls but way too big for them to eat or try to eat
Medium size pebbles so I know there is no choking hazards. Mine are very picky & the only things they will eat are newt pellets & frozen blood worms.
There are no strange behaviors until Wed when I noticed. There is no wounds or discoloration on the skin. They have java moss, drift wood a large rock & a fake plant. The only other thing that lives with are 3 small smalls but way too big for them to eat or try to eat


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I'm not a newt expert, but it could be bloat, constipation, kidney failure or an infection. At the least I would quarantine the newt with strange behavior so if it is infected it will not spread to the other newt. I would maintain low water temperatures and make certain that water conditions are perfect. Also try to not stress the animal further with unnecessary handling.

You could attempt to treat with antibiotics or antifungals, however I do not have advice on the best type of dosage.

I did recently have success treating a African clawed frog for bloat with 1/2 doses of kanaplex.

Let me know if you have any other questions, best of luck
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