My FBN's new tank


Oct 22, 2008
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Canary Islands
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Hello all,

As I said few months ago, I was searching a new tank for my newts and I found it recently. They lived in a 20L tank, the new aquarium has 45L.
I'm going to buy some java fern or elodeas because it's a bit empty of plants, It has java moss, cabombas and a japanese algae ball. I'm thinking to raise the last level of rocks to add more water (2/3, they use to spend little time resting out of water on a rock). I put gravel because I think it can't fit on their mouths.
Anyway, it seems they enjoy this tank, they like dark areas under the rocks and floating between plants, they are eating and spending time in water. I leave some photos,


This is one of my newts,

I'm afraid of her leg, she only has 2 fingers...and It doesn't seem they have grown since I have her (5 months).


I'll put new photos when I buy new plants :) (or a male newt)

Er....i´m pretty sure that´s a male.
Nice tank, i agree more plants would make it nicer though. I suggest you use as much volume of water as you will make things easier for you, and your newt will be happier.
I don't agree with azhael about the sex.

The tank: Very nice! I think you should let the hornwort grow, it's speed is incredible and you shall have plenty of plants. Cabombas won't work in low lightning, i advice you Limnophila sessiflora and Anubias species.

Too many rocks may be dangerous for your tank, but it's just a speculation, because i never created construction like this and i don't see reality how it looks.
A male?? oh my god ... you told me they both were females... Maybe I already have a couple. I'm going to take some close photos again and I'll upload them during the evening.
I think it has too long tail to be a male. Or only on pic does it look like so.
They both have a long tail. :S

Yahilles,don't be afraid of stones, I have stuck them with silicone and they are safe, no movements.
It might just be the photo...but that cloaca looks too big to be a female. It looks like the cloaca of a male who´s completely out of breeding season.
I remember saying they were both female.....perhaps, one fot hem was just a young male? I don´t´s just the pic probably...
Looking from side, mine females also have cloacas like one on the picture, sometimes even more "swollen".
In my limited experience, the distance between the legs and the start of the tail is bigger in males. Meaning that cloaca area is "longer".
The animal pictured seems to have a pretty long distance between the legs and the tail, which leads me to believe it could be a developing male.
Females can have rather swollen cloacas, but i´ve never seen a female with a "long" cloaca (looking from the side).
Anyway, whatever it is, it will be awfully clear in time.
Guys, my opinion, I definitely have 2 females. I've never seen a CFBN male before, but I went shopping yesterday and I visited a pet shop and I could see one, there was no doubt about his sex, short and wide tail,rounded ending, very swollen bought it.
Anyway, here are the pics I promised yesterday, enjoy them :D and keep discussing, I would like to know your opinion.

Newt 1 , (the animal in the 2 pics above)


Newt 2,



Newt 3 ,


Female above, male below (in my opinion)

Female above, male below (in my opinion)

Azhael: in my experience females have longer cloaca area but males have WIDER cloacas.
Little changes, more plants

Well, I bought a java fern some days ago and I planted it in the tank. It came with a gift, fact, 3 gifts...hehe. After few days in the aquarium,:eek: I could see 3 fish larvae ( I don't know which species) and a little snail on the glass (2 mm). I was surprised although I had watched some eggs on fern leaves, but I supposed there were only snail eggs.

This is the new aquarium :


I have added 3 bamboo, I had them in the terrace and they didn't seem to be ok there, so I tried inside the tank. Now, they are growing, new leaves. :D


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