My enclosures



Hello! I want to show you my enclosures. The system is composed of two aquariums (96 and 120 litres each) sharing water by a syphon; one external eheim filter and a Teco brand water chiller.
I keep cynops orientalis and parameso fuzonghensis.



And here you can see some of the inhabitants...


Hello Antoni,

I too use external filter systems for multiple aquarium set-ups in my turtle tanks.

I would be a little concerned with the flow rate in your tanks, as your newts require fairly static water for comfort. Also the possibility of toxins from one species affecting the other?

I see the Reptomin turtle stick containers in your photo, do you keep turtles as well?
Hy Mike!!
I have no problems with the flow rate in my tanks. The amount of floating plants that i have reduces it a lot. In other way i have a friend with a large experience keeping and reproducing newts that told me that it wouldn´t be any problem sharing water, in fact he was who gave me this idea!!
Yes i keep turtles as well; some in my house (platysternon megacephalum and pelodiscus sinsensis) and some trachemys scripta elegans in a big pond outdoors (i have no much care of them, they survive by them selves mostly...lots of fishes and wild life there)
Which species of turtles do you keep, mike??
See you!!

(Message edited by antuan on June 13, 2006)
Hi Antoni,

Well if you are happy with your animals sharing water, and it works for you and others

I, like you, keep turtles both in and out of doors, and have quite a large collection. My most recent breeding success was with Emydura subglobosa, Emys orbicularis, and Sternotherus odoratus - fairly common species, but very rewarding to breed.
If you click on my name you will see what species I keep.

Please give my best wishes to Gustavo and Jago
Woooww!! Your home should be like a zoo!! It´s amazing the amount of species you keep!! Congratulations for your last breeding success. I´m inloved of one of the turtles you have: Macroclemys temmincki, an incredible animal. Is an adult the one that you keep??
Related to the fact of sahring water in my acuariums... do you think is incorrect what i am doing?
see you
ps: gustavo and jago.. i dont understand...¿?
Well, I am retired, so have more time to look after them. My wife thinks I'm retarded.

I have a pair of Alligator snappers, they are about 30 cms carapace length and are growing nicely.

I wouldn't share aquarium water when there are different species involved. Some do have the ability to produce toxins that could be harmful to the inmates of the other tank. Salamandra for example, when injured or pestered can produce huge amounts of toxin.

Take a look at this thread Antoni:
Both Gustavo and Jago live in Barcelona.
I met them in 2005 at the meeting in Suffolk, UK.
Hi Mike!
wooow a pair of alligators 30cm caparace amazing!! Is possible to post a few photos here??
Regarding to the "sharing water enclosures", thank you for your advice. The only reason why i use this method is because i need to chill the water of my acuariums because in the summer the weather gets so hot here. I bought a water chiller (450 euros!!!) and i can´t have one for each enclosures that i keep. By the way, my animals seems to be very happy for the moment and i think their distribution range is so similar and its possible that they share habitats in the wild... what do you think about this?¿
Thank you for the links, nice to see the meetings!!!
Can you tell me what can i do to contact with Yago, is the first time i see his name on this forum so maybe he don´t write nowadays here...
See you soon, bye!!
I shall take some pics for you of the alli snappers, (not that it will go down too well with caudata fans I think)

I agree with you Antoni that your two species may well share habitats in the wild, it's just that in the relatively small volume of water that they share in your aquariums, if for instance an animal becomes ill, or even dies it could produce enough toxins that could negatively effect the other species. But I do entirely understand why you choose to do it.

To contact Jago and Gustavo just click on their names, there is a facility at the bottom of the screen where you can send them a private message. They may not post too often on this forum, but they are regular visitors
Hi Mike!
I´m happy that you understand why i do what i do... thank you.
If you don´t want to post the alligator´s photos here i can give you my email by a private message.
Have you got any cooling systems in your aquariums or you dont need them year round??
I´m going to write a pm to yago, lets see if i can contact with him...
Simon, I bought the external filter in a local pet store in my city, Barcelona. Its price was around 80 euros. Eheim brand, ecco series, i dont remember exactly the number of the model, if you want i check it and tell you. It has the advantages of having a relatively big filter mass with a not too high caudal (500/600 litres per hour if im not wrong...)
Hi Antoni,
I keep temperate species in a 5 x 4 meter brick built building which has very good (cavity wall) insulation. I leave the door fully open overnight, so that the occupants are subjected to cooler temperatures. The door is closed during the day in the warmer months, and if temperatures do rise over 25 degrees, an air conditioning unit "kicks in". Temperatures in the UK are rarely hot enough for the use of chillers in aquatic set-ups to be necessary.
I've never seen a cooler here for sale in New Mexico. The only species I keep that really needs cooling here is Triturus marmoratus; I keep them in a cool room with ice packs. It'd sure be nice to have a chiller though.
Thanks Antoni
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