Photo: My Dearly Treasured Axolotls

The Banana

New member
Jan 1, 2011
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Sydney, NSW, Australia
What's this? I have not put pictures up of my beauties? THE SHAME!

OK, better do so then aye. ;)

Banana is my lovely golden albino male, who was given to me for Christmas by my sister.
He was my very first axolotl, and is much loved.
Whenever I go near the tank, Banana will happily swim over and wave at me. Yet, if anybody else goes near the tank, he will back away and eye them off. Cute little thing. :))
He loves the other axolotls and will often stack on top of them as if hugging. He is especially fond of Tenedor.

Tenedor is my albino female. Her name is Spanish for 'fork', as there is a fork in her middle left gill stalk, where I'm assuming it had been nibbled at and has grown back funny.
When I got her from the LFS (local fish store) she was full of gravel, had a few missing fingers and short gills due to their axolotl tank being a little overcrowded.. but I HAD to have her. ♥
She is quite feisty, and will bite if you put your hand in the tank! Although, she has a big heart for her slimy friends, and loves to play and romp with the other 'lotls. :)

Sonriente, Spanish for Smiley, is my gorgeous melanoid male.
He is a shy, sweet little marshmellow.. and has fit right in with the other axolotls. :)
When I first got him, he had a bit of fungus on his mouth. These photos were taken after it was starting to heal up. Note that they were taken when he was in quarantine, and the lighting I have there (photo purposes) is terrible.. resulting in him looking tan. Really, he is black (melanoid).

Note that the photos of Sonriente were taken while he was in quarantine, and I have terrible lighting in that tank (for photos).. really he is a deep black, my pretty melanoid is.
They are beautiful :D I think Tenedor is a leucistic though as she has black and blue eyes :p I love sonriente's little fangs! Were they part of the fungus or are they part of his charm? My wild is black until there is a light put on her, then she's goes a weird tan colour as well. It's strange to see!
Thanks for the comment Star. :)
Tenedor is albino, bright red eyes... just my photos. :p

I thought it was the fungus, but it seems to be part of his charm.. pretty cute really. :))
Tenedor - red eyes really? in all your pics she has black.. how wierd.. SOO cute though! :)

My wild type has a fork in her gills also, and they're quite short and boofy aswell lol.. kind of looks like an afro! haha :)
I also think your white albino is leucistic. It may have a red centre to the eye but the dark ring on the outside is a give away to it being leucistic. Nice axies anyway and leucistics are fairly rare in Australia so it's special whatever it is.

Regards Neil
Ooohhh.... maybe she is leucistic then..
Well I love Tenedor how is she, to me, it doesn't make a single difference whether she is albino or leucistic.
WELL, despite of what I tell people that is. :p

Thanks for the correcting info everyone!
You have 3 very beautiful axies. They all look very happy. Thanks for sharing.
i like your pics and name choices for your axolotls :happy:
Awesome axies and names! I love the second photo of banana with the reflection from the top :happy:
Thank you Alf & Ax. :happy:
In the second piccy of Banana, he was sleeping like that, swaying from side to side in the little current. :happy:
Lottie my wild type. Sorry it took so long to get back to you.. totally forgot lol.

The third one is her in her old tank with the strong light, when I first got her, with Pitch (Melanoid). She's darkened up a LOT since then.

Couldn't get a picture of her forked gill though.. :)


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Yeah she's a cutie.. I know your not supposed to have favorites.. but she's mine! She was my first and is the best behaved when it comes to feeding etc.. so i love her! :D
Aww I love Sonriente's big goofy smile. Has the bogwood grown eyes? o.o looks like Banana's sneaking up behind it!
Missed this, thanks Alicia!

These are kinda old-ish photos, camera batteries are dead (R.I.P), but I thought I'll update with some photos of my Marshmellows!

Oh and note that there was fungus, so their gills are kinda short in these photos - they are beautiful & fluffy again now. :happy:

Tenedor, Banana, and Sonriente -

Laughed so hard at this photo, Banana... in his grumpy don't-look-at-me-when-I'm-eating face -

This is a favourite hide of Sonriente's, but today Banana decided to take over -

Sonriente -



I LOVE the adorable footprints in the sand, that let's me know that they have been partying behind my back! :rolleyes:
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Anddddd.... (drum roll please)... introducing BASTANTE!
Bastante's name is Spanish for pretty, I saw him in a LFS, and had to take him home.

He has small gills, a chunk out of his tail, was skinny (but now gaining some weight) - but I love him! He adores his earthworms, and yes, he is in quarantine. ;)

On his way to his forever home!


Note his tail. I think the whole tip was eaten off, and it is growing back from the bottom up.





For size reference -

Sorry for the awful quality pics, but Bastante wanted to be introduced - he wasn't happy when I gave the 'terrible photos' excuse. :eek:
looking good! your leucistic axie is big! how old is it?

I have the same half log hide in my tank too btw!
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