Or I should say, almost completed. Some driftwood or grapewood will be added soon and the fake vine will be replaced with living ivy. Once I get ahold of some black paper it will be taped to both ends to make the Sal feel safer.
This enclosure houses only one male Fire Salamander. Subspecies unknown.
If anyone can identify it for me it would really make me happy
Substrate used: Pea Gravel, Top Soil.
Plants used: Dwarf Fern, Rock/ground moss.
(Message edited by jennewt on February 12, 2006)
This enclosure houses only one male Fire Salamander. Subspecies unknown.
If anyone can identify it for me it would really make me happy

Substrate used: Pea Gravel, Top Soil.
Plants used: Dwarf Fern, Rock/ground moss.

(Message edited by jennewt on February 12, 2006)