My completed Habitat - Fire Sal pictures



Or I should say, almost completed. Some driftwood or grapewood will be added soon and the fake vine will be replaced with living ivy. Once I get ahold of some black paper it will be taped to both ends to make the Sal feel safer.
This enclosure houses only one male Fire Salamander. Subspecies unknown.
If anyone can identify it for me it would really make me happy

Substrate used: Pea Gravel, Top Soil.

Plants used: Dwarf Fern, Rock/ground moss.







(Message edited by jennewt on February 12, 2006)
I forgot to mention the rock cave is something I made using a white PVC pipe, black aquarium silicone and various pieces of aquarium gravel and beach agates I found along the Oregon coast.

It was originally in my Axolotls tank but makes a great house for my Sal
My god, I'm jealous. I've alway seen the fire salamander as the salamander of salamanders (hence it's latin name I guess). Too bad it's impossible to get one here in Holland!

Your tank looks absolutely amazing, and I love what you've done with the PVC pipe, it makes it look so much more natural!
I did the same thing with PVC about a year ago!! I have only had a few loose rocks fall off, but it has been holding up well...My newts love it too....
Thanks Coen and Katie
. Basically I followed a terrarium guide to make it. It's a very simple set-up where I can just take out the rockmoss and replace the soil when needed. The Fern is still in its pot just planted under the surface of the soil. It's a 20 gallon enclosure and so far the Fire Salamander seems to really enjoy it.

I haven't even named him yet and I've had him for about a week now.

Coen, I agree with you, I've always wanted a fire salamander. To me they are very noble looking so I'm taking my time picking a name that will fit him

Katie, My Fire sal loves it! I loved making it too when I had. I plan in the future to make more as soon as I get some time.
Lol I had to share this. My husband looked into the tank and said it looks like Jurassic Park. He said that I should build a little Jurassic park gate and fake electrical fence, then put a sign on the outside of the tank that says "Danger High Voltage". It was so funny. He's never seen a terrarium before lol.
Rheann, I had fun making mine too, although my friends thought i was a little crazy...
I am getting some more C.O. next week, so this week i used aquarium sealant and glued some rocks together for their tank, i am beginning to think my friends are questioning my sanity...
No hills? You should put a hill. Hey! You should replace that fake Ivy with a real one (Hedera) It will even grow roots onto the wall. Looks nice otherwise...
Instead of black paper- try automotive tint.
I've used it successfully with pixie frogs and horned frogs in the past- mostly to stop them from trying to eat food that they could see in the next tank over.
Nice Tank. I wish my terrarium moss would stay green like that.
Very nice i love that live moss!
what size tank is that? More live plants! spice it up! Overall very nice
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