My Cinereus set up



I am planning on keeping some rebacked sals and have set upa tank for them. It's ten gallons and will house 2 or 3 salamanders. I'm adding more plants and some more rocks soon. I'm going to add atleast a branch for them to climb and am gonna grow moss on the pots. It's nothing special but I like it.







(Message edited by Ed on September 07, 2006)
Ah. Don't you think redback's might like a slightly wetter habitat?
Good luck on keeping them
Nice tank!, I have those plant's that you have in your tank in our yard, and every time I take my redfoot tortoies outside they go wright for them.
ah, clovers I was thinking about puting some of those in one of my cages
haha, the reason your turtles go right for them is because they are delicious!
They make a great garnish for salads IMO. It tastes a bit sour, sort of like a sour grape I would say.

If you eat them, be careful which clovers you eat, because one type tastes just the same as grass, while the other - the one pictured has a decent taste.... if you like sour grapes.

If nothing else, just a thought for when you're lost in the woods for days -
It's actually Wood Sorrell. It has a very lemony taste but I believe some clover can actually make you sick. The good ones are heartshaped opposed to oval shaped.

(Message edited by wally on September 06, 2006)
Wood sorrel should only be eaten in moderation due to its high levels of oxalic acid.

The clovers you really do not want to eat are the white and yellow sweet clovers of the genus Melilotus as they contain coumarin. The genus Trifolium are often edible for people but there are strains that have significant levels of cyanide in them (see for a start on the info) and you do not have the enzymes that protect you if consumned (unlike some browsing herbivores).

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