My C.O. escaped!



My chinese firebelly newt of 3 years escaped and i found him under my cricket keeper. He was pretty dried up and dust covered. I put him in a small critter keeper and he is slowly regaining himself, although i doubt he will survive a long time after this. This really upsets me. Hopefully he survives. He was my first newt.

I hope your newt regains his health as fast as possible.
well, i checked on him, and he isn't doing too well. I think i am going to try to find a humane way to end his suffering on caudata culture. He isn't going to survive, i know this for a fact. He is barely just barely alive, and he hasn't regained any consciousness. I will wait until tommorrow, though, just incase.
Hi Wyatt
I am truly sorry to about your newt.
Good luck!
Not too sure how dried he is, but I had a similar experience with a karelinii juvenile. He/she revived completely after 2 days and today is doing very well and growing fast.
The same thing happened to one of my newts, give the guy a few days, you never know what may happen. If the little bugger is still eating it maybe salvagable.
The same thing happened to one of our newts too, our Tylototrion had escaped and we had found it under our be. It was so dried that we had thought he was died. We had put it in water and he regained his health.
We wish yours survive too
Good luck
well, i changed the water. i have about 1/2 inch of water in a small container. He looks, and feels, pretty lifeless. I will eave him in the water just incase, but i don't know. His tail has totally stretched out. He isn't eating, visibly breathing, or anything of the sorts. When i picked him up with my fingers today i felt something that could possibly be a pulse. I will see. If by friday morning he is still like this, i think he will get his proper burial. I feel so bad that he had to suffer.
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