My black Axolotl hasn't eaten anything in a while. He ate a little bit day before yesterday, I just thought mabye he was really full. I am starting to worry. he wont eat the pellets, and he wont eat the earth worms. My white Axolotl will eat the worms, and he will eat the pellets too, my wild Axie is doing just fine too. my black one yesterday tried to eat, but he just kept spitting the food out. Now today he wont even do that. I don't want him to die, I am hoping he isn't going to, it would kill me, he's part of my family, and I hate it when animals suffer. he is in the fidge right now. What should I do? He doesn't seem to have any other problems, other than he really likes to sleep at the surface, my white one does this sometimes, my wild Axolotl never does. Shoud lI try different food and what kind? I feel so bad for him. Poor thing.... other than not eating, he is active, and healthy looking.