My axolotl aquarium contains two axolotls, one white (Milly), and one black (Apathy). Since i got apathy (my first axolotl) a few months ago, he has had recurring illnesses. A few weeks ago i treated him with salt baths for what i believe to have been fungus on his gills (white, fluffy balls attached to his gills), it kept coming back, though i believe it to be treated it (6grams of salt per litre of water was used in a bucket). I have been doing frequent water changes, about a 50% water change every week for the last 3 weeks in conjunction with bi-weekly 20% water changes.
Recently (last few days) he has gotten seemingly random, white/milky patches all over his body. At first i thought perhaps his skin was shedding, or his slime coat? though im concerned that its the fungus back, or perhaps this
"White skin patches"
I am skeptical to try tea baths. What benefits would they have for an axoltol? Im worried it will stress him further.
I have ordered ammonia/nitrite/nitrate tester that should be here in a few days. The tank flow/current is minimal and i usually feed them prawns or liver. The tank temperature ranges from 13 - 14 'C
Could Apathy's ailment be fatal?
Any help is appreciated Im really quite attached to the little guy:sad:
Recently (last few days) he has gotten seemingly random, white/milky patches all over his body. At first i thought perhaps his skin was shedding, or his slime coat? though im concerned that its the fungus back, or perhaps this
"White skin patches"
I am skeptical to try tea baths. What benefits would they have for an axoltol? Im worried it will stress him further.
I have ordered ammonia/nitrite/nitrate tester that should be here in a few days. The tank flow/current is minimal and i usually feed them prawns or liver. The tank temperature ranges from 13 - 14 'C
Could Apathy's ailment be fatal?
Any help is appreciated Im really quite attached to the little guy:sad: