Photo: My babies :) Who's good with colours?


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Aug 31, 2010
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Perth, Western Australia
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OK so I've lost all my axanthics now :mad: and I'm hoping they will be stronger in future spawnings so these are the basic 4 types of the 100ish babies I'm left with. What would you call them?

For what I can figure they are Golden Albino, Maybe melanoid albino not sure what to make of the pale grey eyes on these ones, I'd expect pink, but they don't look to have any shiny pigment, Wild for sure and maybe a few Melanoid but they seem to have a tiny spot of yellow on their noses but lack the shiny ring around the eye so I don't know just guessing really ;)

And a couple of random pics with variations on those 4 core colours.


hehehe This little guy is as happy as a pig in mud with all that BBS that settled in the corner with him :lol:

Im not to good with colour types but they are very cute and have some wonderful markings very different goodluck with rearing them. :D
Left to right: Golden albino, melanoid albino, wildtype, melanoid.

The lack of shiny eye-rings on #2 and #4 are indicative of melanoid. I suspect your melanoid albino will get pinker eyes as it grows. Also, the diminished patches of yellow xanthophores on both 2 and 4 also lead me to think they're melanoid. While melanoids aren't lacking xanthophore, they're often highly reduced. You can see on both specimens that the yellow is basically limited to just the front of the face.

Once they get their front legs, the coloring will become a lot more obvious. It's hard when they're tiny.
Left to right: Golden albino, melanoid albino, wildtype, melanoid.
Once they get their front legs, the coloring will become a lot more obvious. It's hard when they're tiny.

YAY I was right Thank you Kaysie. Maybe I am getting my head around this finally :D
My reasoning was the same as you stated too :happy: Should help me nail down the parent's genotypes as well having a couple of melanoids in there.
I'll be keeping an eye on them obviously :D It will be interesting to see how they all end up. I'd love if I had a melanoid or 2 make it I've been wanting one for ages but haven't found any that are in good health with all their extremities in tact :(
Well, obviously both parents are carriers of albino, A/a, as well as melanoid, M/m. You believe they're both carriers of axanthic, AX/ax (I agree with this assumption). Since you don't have any leucistics, it's probably safe to say either neither parent is a carrier, or one/both parent is dominantly homozygous, so either D/d, or one parent is D/D, while the other may be D/D, D/d, or d/d.
I would say gold and wild type (gray, brown)
Mum is a golden albino So yeah definately a carrier ;) seems to be
M/m, AX/ax, a/a and D/D or D/d

Daddy is a nice dark wildtype (not much yellowish pigment on him, pretty much just black and greens with some grey) seems to be
M/m, AX/ax, A/a and D/D or D/d

I guess I'll have to wait for the next bunch to see if I can settle the D/D D/d :rolleyes: I did have a few that looked like the melanoid albinos but the eyes were melanoid and had no visible yellow but I lost the last one a couple of days ago and didn't get any pics so no way to know for sure :rolleyes: I shall have to wait and see if they do this again

Still it's good to know just about any color type is possible with these too :happy:
They are gorgeous. Of coarse I believe they would change when they get older, and they will still be beautiful, but WOW! .. Where in Australia are you? Please say Sydney. :p
Thank you Sarah I really like them too :happy:
Awww I'm sorry :( I'm in Perth and while I probably could send to Sydney I'm not sure how they would go for 3 days in the mail or how all the mail rules and quarantine stuff works for live animals.
Not sure it's a very good idea to post them while they are this little either they would probably not be terribly healthy after 3 days without food.

One thing is for sure though fairly soon I am going to have to find homes or them all :rolleyes: well most of them anyway. Not sure how to do that right now though. I don't really want to go down the pet shop route, I'm not convinced they can look after them and I can't stand the though of my babies being mistreated or all being packed into a small area and eating each other.
Too bad. I'm sure you'll find perfect homes for them. :)
No, I think it would be much to stressful on the axies to post.. you would need a courier, as you aren't supposed to send live animals in the post.. wait, no you would probably need the Australia Air Express, Perth is such a long way. :(

These animals are so cool, I'm sure you'll be able to give/sell some to friends, family, etc. :)
Good luck.
The best way to settle the D/D, D/d issue is to breed the offspring back to each other. Then if you get no leucistics out of the mix (with a couple of different matings), you can be assured both parents are D/D and neither is a carrier.
All your babies look amazing! SOO CUTE! How old are they? I agree with the colors you and kaysie agreed upon.

can i interrupt to ask what color you might think this one is. i found it at a pet store, it's about 7 days old and all the siblings look like yours. golden, wild type, or melanoid, most are GFP's. The fact that this ones eyes aren't dark or shiny but the body seems gray throws me off a bit.

half the babies were floating with gas in their stomach. :(


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That's a funny looking one. Axanthic albino maybe?
Thank you :D
In that picture they are 6 days post hatching. Jan 28th/29th is their birthday but I count the 29th as day one since they were all out and about when I got up that morning.

WOW s/he is different :)

With pale eyes it would have to be albino, which shouldn't be grey all over.
No shiny ring around it's eyes would make it melanoid
No Yellow pigment makes it axanthic

which leaves us with an axanthic melanoid albino which doesn't quite explain why it looks grey :confused: Perhaps because he is so transparent we're seeing the colour of the base and sides of the jar through him. The darker color down the middle of him looks to be mostly organs and cute little brain.
I think it's going to be one of those ones you have to watch and see what it does. perhaps it will lighten into a nice white colour as it gets bigger.
Every now and then you get a baby that defies all the conventional coloration classifications and doesn't seem to fit anywhere. Keep an eye on it, I can't wait to see what s/he grows into.

:lol: I don't know, I'm still trying to figure out what my guys first hatchling is. His color at a glance now says Golden albino but he's not albino, he has nice green eyes and he had dark spots when he was tiny that grew and joined up in a sort of wild type pattern but have faded to almost nothing now. Just the slightest color variation between the slightly pink/tan patches and the gold.

On another note a pet shop was selling 1 week old axies :eek: Feeding mine here is time consuming and I couldn't imagine a store has the time to go it properly (and from all the floating clearly they don't, poor little things) At that age they need to be fed tiny foods daily What the heck... did they at least make sure to tell you how to care for an axie that small even if you did already know?
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I'm hoping it is an axanthic albino gfp, but I didn't wan't to sound silly since it's so gray looking. I thought possibly it was born without eyes, but under the backlight it's pupils are glowing green. I guess your right, the color does seem to be more related to the nervous system and internal organs. Hmm, Only time will tell for sure, that is if this little one even makes it.

The pet store was selling them for $10. They know I have many axolotls so I was actually telling them what to do. With water too warm and not enough food, you could clearly see gas in the stomach. She actually just gave this one to me for free. Funny but sad, I asked if there was a warranty seeing as the others were so sick, she said "umm, you can just take it". I should have asked to take all the floating ones and see if I could help them. I know the chances are slim but better me then her trying.
I do hope he makes it, I'd love to see what he grows into. At least he is in good hands now.
I'm not sure there is much you can do for a gas bubble in something that size :( but I am no expert on it, I wouldn't have the first clue of where to start to be honest with that one.

From what I understand if they glow green under black light then they are GFP. I have no idea what that would do to coloration in newbies. I've seen pictures of Wild, Leucistic and albino GFP's but they have all been adults and very much the appropriate colours :happy: oooh a free baby Axanthic Melanoid Albino GFP, that would be so cool :happy: Good luck.

:eek: $10 seriously? and people would pay that much for a 1 week old axie. That's insane!
I'm trying to figure out how much to sell my little guys for in a few weeks/months, once they have been weened off BBS and onto frozen food and had pretty much laughed at the idea of selling a fully weened one for that much. My adults only cost me $38 and from what I can tell they were getting toward a year and a half old when I got them.
i got my wild type for $70 at only acouple months, then my glowly leucistic for $80 around the same age ..though i had to nag my local pet store about finding some axies and got my friends interested in them as well. no one knows really at all what an axie is!
i got my wild type for $70 at only acouple months, then my glowly leucistic for $80 around the same age ..though i had to nag my local pet store about finding some axies and got my friends interested in them as well. no one knows really at all what an axie is!
OUCH these little guys are an expensive little critter in the US :eek: Suddenly I'm glad I'm in Australia and surprised to FINALLY find something that is cheaper here than it is there.

OK quick update. Some of my little theoretically Melanoid albinos eyes seem to be getting darker rather than lighter and have developed a very clear spot in the middle of the eye (typical of those with irradiphores). It seems that they may also have tiny dark spots all over (just like their big brother "Fish" who is seems has a mutant gene that stops his skin producing/showing melanin when it's present in his eye)
Here's on from earlier today.
Looks like the 1st one got in the way of one of it's siblings and has lost 1/2 of the middle gill on it's left side :rolleyes:
Not asking for a color ID just yet. I'll wait till their bigger and see what they do but just thought I'd share my little discovery :happy:


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They're not always expensive in the US. $70 is a princely sum. I sold juveniles for $20 a piece, if I could get it.
My little one died, I went back to the store and all but one of the clear non shiny eyed ones were dead. So I took that one home, it ate a whole bunch and was very active for the next 48hrs. I woke up the next morning and it too died, with a full belly and everything. The store owner told me it looked overfed. Can they be overfed?
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