New member
Hello all, I am currently feeding/caring an axolotl for an one year approximately. He has been gained weight since the end of the march, yet now he has a limited moving capability. He also lost his gills a bit but I have tested the water and the only problem is the no³ level which is 75. I really freaked up when I saw other axies' bloats caused by some bacterial infection. I have been avoiding bloodworms or shrimps to prevent parasytes or bacterias. I am feeding him with only pellets and occasionally half a tablet of spurilina. I am living in Turkey and there are not any sources about axolotl help, nor there are any informed or knowledged veterinarians here. I have sent a mail to an axolotl specialist from Australia yet He/she has not replied yet. So now, I ll drop some pics of my axie here, I just want you all to check his pictures dates,(I ll write them in English) and tell me if there is a bloat because of any illness. Dates consist of DD/MM/YYYY. Last two photos are up to date. Please reply this thread ASAP, I am worried sick.