It's true, I think many animals are smarter than we give them credit for.
I have a 1 inch black Moore that will play with me swimming through my fingers and such, seemingly for entertainment, and will follow me as I walk through the room, the much larger 4 inch fantail that I owned for a year longer that ignores me completely, even during feeding.
(Those are two closely related fancy goldfish species for those who don't keep fish)
Just because they don't do what we want them too when we want them too doesn't mean they are stupid.
My axolotl doesn't follow me around the room, unless I am doing something out of the ordinary, he will come and inspect. He seems more interested in things than me. He will look at a new curtain or something I left near the tank that isn't usually there. When I put my hand in the tank he will swim up to (or in, or on, or bite) my hand but if a stranger puts their hand in he swims away. I'm not sure if that is facial recognition, or smell, or something else but it's some observable form of identification and preferencial behavior.