
New member
Mar 16, 2021
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United Kingdom
Hi my axolotls name is Kevin, he has grew some fungus on his gills I took my water to the aquatic shop near me and everything was fine the levels were not too high or too low, he brought up somthing called lymphocystis, but Iv not heard about it a lot on axolotls

he keeps freaking out and swimming loads, the only way I can explain it is it’s like he’s having a fit? I think he’s trying to remove the fungus himself

my water flow isn’t fast at all
And he’s still eating and being his normal self. I have some Indian almond leaves on the way as Iv heard salt baths are more harmful than good

pls help


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Hi my axolotls name is Kevin, he has grew some fungus on his gills I took my water to the aquatic shop near me and everything was fine the levels were not too high or too low, he brought up somthing called lymphocystis, but Iv not heard about it a lot on axolotls

he keeps freaking out and swimming loads, the only way I can explain it is it’s like he’s having a fit? I think he’s trying to remove the fungus himself

my water flow isn’t fast at all
And he’s still eating and being his normal self. I have some Indian almond leaves on the way as Iv heard salt baths are more harmful than good

pls help
Do you know what your water parameters actually were? Having a liquid test kit you can use at home would be advisable since testing your water weekly is important. Axolotls also are much more sensitive than most fish so unless your LFS understands this, they may not be giving you proper advice. Generally fungal infections start from poor water quality or temps that are too high.

Salt baths can definitely cause more harm than good if done incorrectly. Your axolotl looks otherwise healthy so I don't think it's 100% necessary at this point to do salt baths. Black tea baths can be very therapeutic as the tannins in black tea have natural antifungal and antibacterial properties. While they are not a cure-all, they will help your axolotl fight off minor infections. That said, the fungus will keep coming back if the cause is not addressed. My recommendation would be to tub your axolotl in fresh, cool water temporarily (make sure youre dooing 100% water changes daily).

For the tea bath, brew one bag of plain black tea (check the ingredients to make sure there are no spices in it) in boilding water, steep for 5-10 mins. Then dilute the tea in cold water until it is a light amber brown color. Because tea is so mild, you can let them stay in it for hours at a time. I usually treat over night and then change them into fresh water the next morning. You can repeat this process for a couple days and the fungus should fall off on it's own.

Do a good 50% water change on the tank while your axolotl is tubbed.
Thankyou so much for replying!
My local fish shop has axolotls! Iv also gotten to know the man there and he’s been reading up a lot more about them since Iv been visiting,
Im unsure of the actual water parameters because he was using a liquid test and comparing the colors to a graph

his water is always at 17-18 decrees Celsius
Apart from the day I do a water change it goes to about 15 for a few hours

should I start on the tea baths ASAP?
Or should I just ub him for a few days?
I read about putting them in a fridge- should I do that while he’s in the fresh tub of water ?
If so what temp would that be at ?

also do you think I have too much sand in the tank. As Iv read it can keep dirt underneath.
every week when I do water change I swish it around and get it all clean
That’s what the fungus looks like now

thankyou sooo much


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Thankyou so much for replying!
My local fish shop has axolotls! Iv also gotten to know the man there and he’s been reading up a lot more about them since Iv been visiting,
Im unsure of the actual water parameters because he was using a liquid test and comparing the colors to a graph

his water is always at 17-18 decrees Celsius
Apart from the day I do a water change it goes to about 15 for a few hours

should I start on the tea baths ASAP?
Or should I just ub him for a few days?
I read about putting them in a fridge- should I do that while he’s in the fresh tub of water ?
If so what temp would that be at ?

also do you think I have too much sand in the tank. As Iv read it can keep dirt underneath.
every week when I do water change I swish it around and get it all clean
That’s what the fungus looks like now

thankyou sooo much
The amount of sand you have is fine, especially if you are giving it a good stir now and then. That's usually the biggest issue with sand is when it doesnt get stirred up, detritus can get buried and you'll end up with pockets of waste in the sand.

Just start on the tea baths. They are very gentle and soothing so itll just help her heal a little quicker.

I absolutely hate the fridging thing. I can be so harmful if done incorrectly and quite honestly should only be used in emergencies. That swing of temperature can be super stressful and has to be done very slowly. It's sole purpose is to slow their metabolic rate which is used to slow the progression of illness, like bacterial infections, organ failure, ect while you figure out treatment options or get them to a vet. What it also does though is slow their metabolism so they stop eating and they heal slower. 99% of the time, a healthy axolotl can fight off minor infections without extreme measures.
Hi! I fully agree with what gulfcoast said. Tea baths are wonderful. He is probably just freaking out because he feels it on his gills. I’m sure it can’t be too comfortable! With that said, your axie looks very healthy despite the fungus, so I would assume he will fight off the infection very quickly. I hope everything goes well! As long as he is still eating well and everything I’m sure it’ll be a fast recovery. Keep us updated.
Thankyou both so much ! He has been put into a quarantine tub till I get some tea later tonight !,
One more question can I put a lid on the tub without any holes ?? It’s a food container. ( obviously big enough for him)
Thankyou both so much ! He has been put into a quarantine tub till I get some tea later tonight !,
One more question can I put a lid on the tub without any holes ?? It’s a food container. ( obviously big enough for him)
Since while he is in a tub you will be changing the water 100% everyday, so that should normally give enough oxygen when you open the lid to change the water. I had to tub my axie recently though and I was concerned about that as well so I just left the lid a little bit cracked, I also had an bubbler in the tank which I would recommend. As long as your axie isn’t a jumper for any reason, I would just leave the lid a little cracked just in case. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong!
Thankyou both so much ! He has been put into a quarantine tub till I get some tea later tonight !,
One more question can I put a lid on the tub without any holes ?? It’s a food container. ( obviously big enough for him)
Yes you can, as long as you keep a little opening or a crack. Don’t seal it shut, he might not be able to get enough oxygen if you do.
Thankyou ! Again on way to do tea baths
Now ! Will keep updated
Hi all update, the fungus fell off but now his gills look even worse all over them I’m soo confused. He’s had clean water everyday and after the tea baths, pls help me


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Hi all update, the fungus fell off but now his gills look even worse all over them I’m soo confused. He’s had clean water everyday and after the tea baths, pls help me
I would try melafix, pimafix, and aquarium salt and treat in the tank for a week. The fungus is also in the tank water so it will help kill that as well. I would keep up with the tea baths. Salt baths are for more severe cases or if it just won't go away. But the aquarium salt will help the process without having to do a full salt bath.
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  • AxieCrazy:
    Hello. I’m looking for some input. My axolotl is about 7 months old. I came home and her gills are completely white. I was reading that they do shed around this age. Could this be why her gills are white? The ph is 6.5-7. Nitrates are 80 Nitrites 0.5
  • AxieCrazy:
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1