thanks everyone!!!
Sharn- i think my golden is a bit strange cause she has wildtype eyes and u cant see it in the photos but she also had black and brown freckles on her face. lol.
Hailz- yeah they mainly do all get along, particularly Oliver and Horatio lol they seem to like their manly bonding time and ive also noticed that Nigella and Toni are always doing the smae thing or following each other and i dont know whether it has anything to do with them being probly just a coincidence. Alberto gets along ok with everyone and Marilyn does most of the time she is the biggest and most grumpy lol so she has her moments, i think she is also the more dominant of the tank cause she was the first one in there.
Hayley-Jane- Yeah Alberto is a bit on the skinny side. i think its just him though cause he eats as much as the others and ive tried feeding him more to try to put some wieght on him but it doesnt seem too work
so i dont know how to fix the problem but he seems happy enough so i just feed him normally now and make sure he difinatley eats his food.
ok here is two pics of my setup, one is a close up of the cave system i made and the other is the whole thing
the photos were taken when i was cycling my tank which is y there are goldfish in their cause i have no good recent pics of it but it look exactly the same as that still anyway.
(Message edited by jennewt on December 18, 2005)