MY aXi!!!!!



there is axi,

here is another photo of the bootiful boy or girl!

the heater is always turned off but i leave it in there 4 something he can climb on, isnt he cute?
Your axie is V Cute!
Kind of looks like my little one Pepper.

If I was to guess I would say your axie is a boy, although its really hard to tell!

I just ask for the opposite sex to the one I bought last time from guy where I get my axie's!

Regards Eastern_axle
Very cute! Looks like a boy to me, but that depends on if he is an adult yet, or is he still a youngster?How long?
Pretty skinny, and those size pebbles can cause dangerous impactions.

How big is it and what/how often are you feeding?
As Joan said you should take out the medium pebbles and only use those large ones you have in there or some sand, its much safer.
And is that a heater??!?! Omg, they shouldn't be kept over 24 C they prefer 10 C- 18 C. Turn it off, room tempurature is best. Over 24 C will cause stress and death!
You should be feeding your axolotls daily in the afternoon as much as they will eat until they put on some weight, and then just feed them enough to maintain it.

on a more happy note- he has lovely long toes and cute eyes and the cutest smile evar!!!
i dont have the heater on its just that he likes climbing on it and i have taken the small rock things out. he was skinny like that when i got him from the pet shop!
I am thinking of getting another axolotl (same size)
But my dad thinks it would be a disaster, because a lot of the time when i have a look at mine, he is at the glass trying to bite it and i figured it would be his reflection, would he try to eat the other one? or attack?
Try and get one the same size. Your tank shud also be at least 2ft long/60cm long minimum (to give them enuf room for hidey holes and to move aroun. If you do get another axie you should quarantine it in another tank (or bucket or plastic storage container) for 30 days, to ensure it's healthy and doesn't pass anything onto your current axie, that may be a bit of a problem with summer round the corner and the temps rise. Maybe leave it till winter, b4 getting an addition.

The other reason he may be "biting" at his reflection is he might see the movement and think it's food so trying to catch it!

(Message edited by kapo on November 04, 2006)
thats true i didnt think of that. he is very greedy.
i went to the pet shop yesterday and i told the woman we got the axi off, that he swallowed gravel and she was like, i bet he stopped eating and i've gone no and she laughed, and yes the last warm day his tank went up to 27 celsius, i put the fans on and put a little bit of ice in there and it slowly cooled down, and the blinds were closed so yeah i felt a lot sorry 4 him
try not to use straight ice as it causes fluctuating temperatures. Either use icepacks put in a plastic sealable bag and rotate them as they melt, or use frozen bottles of dechlorinated water in case bottle bursts (depending on size of your tank, if small 300-500ml bottles, larger 1.5-2litre bottles) and rotate them. We keep curtains shut during summer as it does keep room cooler than if you had them open with sun streaming in; ours are also on the floor.

How often and how much do you feed him?
well i was told at the pet shop i was told i should feed him this beef, dont know what kind but it was in a pack, i feed him a quarter of the cube once every night (the cubes are about 1 & a half cm x 1 and a half) is this too much or not enough?
Sorry Lana, no idea what cube you mean. Our 3yr olds were fed solely on tubifex worm cubes by previous owners which were that size - but whole cube once a week, but we changed their diet as soon as they arrived to 2inch earthworms (chopped in half otherwise they spit them out) every 3 days (occasionally they get strips of oxheart or oxliver). Our axies are 25-28cm long.

Maybe you need to vary your diet a bit - see if you can get earthworms from a bait shop or wormery and start a wormfarm (or occasionally vary it with thin strips of raw meat - all fat cut off). That could also be why he's a bit skinny if he's only fed the cubes.
thx. his food is much softer and mushed down then steak, would he be able to stomach the steak or liver if i gave it to him?
If you could get worms that would be more ideal. As long as you cut all fat of the meat and also cut it very thin (ie wormlike!)but try and keep it about 1/2 inch or more so you can wriggle it. The prob with the tubifex cubes we found was they also went quite soft and squidgy once under water and axies weren't used to eating worms or meat. The axie poo was pretty disgusting all whitish and their water was pretty smelly too. How do you feed your axie? Hubby feeds using a skewer (worm dangling and give it a wee shake at an angle so axie doesn't skewer themselves). I do both handfeed the axies in the tanks on the floor and skewer for the ones on the cabinets.
Tubifex worms shouldn't really be given to axies. They wont kill them or anything but they are loaded with fat. I definately don't want my axie eating fat. Same deal with mealworms
Luke, the tubifex cubes were from the previous owners of our 3yr old axies, they were given to us as well when I collected them, we tried them the first day we had them and weren't exactly inspired or impressed! Don't even like the frozen bloodworm cubes. We prefer to feed ours earthworms.

(Message edited by kapo on November 10, 2006)
i handfeed him, and he loves to grab my fingers!! Also is this normal - all the time i feed him he grabs the food down the wrong hole or something and he always chokes but then gets it down, i don't know what to do because i can slow the naughty thing down.
Lana, that's pretty normal. Tho if the food is too big (either wide or just a bit too long) that is when they tend to do it and will follow thru with spitting it out. I've had to chop worms down accordingly when this happens. When the fatter earthworm starts to stretch out is also when our axies do the choke/jerk, spit out then swallow it back in. Their eyes also pop in and out a bit as they eat! (I freaked when I first saw it with our then new adults, as our smaller axies you hardly noticed the eyes movement when they ate.)
ALso i would like to feed him earthworms, i have read that they are the best food for axolotls because they have all the nutrients and healthy stuff they need, is this true?
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