I want to put an end to the hostility on this thread right now.
It is obvious to me that you are a group and I am an outsider. It's nice to see that the henchmen want to rough up anyone who challenges authority, but please do yourself a favour and use your eyes and ears first, your brain second, and your mouth last (or fingers in this case).
1st. Name calling is disrespectful and mean, has the ability to hurt people's feelings, is a display of aggression, and is childish overall. No more name calling please, thank you.
2nd. And this is the last time I'll say this.
I'm not keeping the newts in this enclosure for long. It's been clearly explained to me at this point the proper type of habitat for the animals I bought. Don't you think I might be inclined to start over?
3rd. There was ample opportunity for somebody to pipe up and say:
"Eric, you're doing this wrong. I see you earnestly want to succeed in this project so I'd like to steer you in the right direction."
4th. This irritated me:
We know the animal, and you're the newcomer, so go find the damn literature yourself if you want it.
I shouldn't have to explain why.
5th. It seems like keeping Caudates is grown-up business after all. Here is something everybody can agree on: an 11 year old boy with no experience in keeping aquariums is best introduced to the hobby with a 10 gallon freshwater minnow tank that's been set up properly by an adult. Now's a good time to ask:
does anybody disagree with the use of this aquarium for minnows, in it's current condition? What's the point?, nobody's going to actually address my question, that's been my experience here so far.
6th. Before anybody replied with their opinion, I shared the link to this thread with a number of family members, including both parents, my aunt (the boy's mom), my grandmother, my brother, my girlfriend ... Now I look like a fool in front of [potentially] all of these people. Over what? A misunderstanding?
You might think you were being helpful but you could try using some tact. We could have gotten along and shared some ideas.
Azhael, I see in some of your other posts that you revel in your ability to criticize people for setting things up wrong. It's good that you're so proud of your status, hold your head up high. You're the leader of the slimy, partially blind, four legged, toe-regenerating clan of ditch dwellers that like to hide in the dark.