Moina for sale anywhere?


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Jan 5, 2018
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United Kingdom
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I don't suppose anyone in the UK knows of somewhere I can pick up live moina?

I've been feeding my baby axies daphnia from an aquatic shop but they just seem on the big side so I'd like to get hold of a food supply that's slightly smaller

I've never seen Moina for sale in the UK, except for some very expensive starter cultures on ebay.

I was given a supposed Moina culture some years ago, but it turned out to be Chydorus. It's still a good food for tiny newt larvae- I would offer you some of this, but it's dormant at the moment.

If any of the Daphnia you buy have eggs in them, you could keep these ones for a few days to let the eggs hatch.

You could also try netting any other tanks you have with a fine-meshed net, there's bound to be some tiny food in there.
I bought one of those expensive cultures last year and was best daphnia boom I ever had going to buy more this year. I’m going to some ponds at the weekend and try net some daphnia
Yeah I'd had a look on ebay and was debating whether to buy on from 'aquaticfanatic' on there but wasn't too sure....

Do either of you know.... In adult form is there much size difference between moina & the usual pet shop daphnia? Because I have a pet shop daphnia culture going atm but if adult moina are much smaller than daphnia adults then I'd prefer that
In adult form is there much size difference between moina & the usual pet shop daphnia?

I can't speak for the ebay cultures, as I haven't seen them (though I am quite tempted to get one now, if they really are that productive), but adult Moina should be about 1mm in size. Pet shop Daphnia aren't always the same species, but adults are usually more than 2mm, sometimes up to 5mm.
I just bought moina from ebay.... Bonus I get 2 aquarium snails with them! Never had snails before so I'll see how well that works out! Lol! I'm quite excited for the whole package!
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