mixing red spotted newts with chinese fire bellies

If you have the room to house the species in separate tanks, please do so! In Cynops Orientalis and Notophthalmus Viridescens the courtship behavior is very different, and potentially Deadly to a newt who is not adapted for that. The Newts will be much, much happier and less stressed if you house them seperate.

Good Luck :eek:

is there anything i can put in with the fire bellies that wont cause either animal any injury/stress?
is there anything i can put in with the fire bellies that wont cause either animal any injury/stress?

There isn't really anything if you are talking other Caudate species. Some people put small cold water fish (can't remember the species) or ghost shrimp in with their newts. It should however be noted that if you put in ghost shrimp, be prepared that they may become lunch for the newt.
There isn't really anything if you are talking other Caudate species. Some people put small cold water fish (can't remember the species) or ghost shrimp in with their newts. It should however be noted that if you put in ghost shrimp, be prepared that they may become lunch for the newt.

Would it be ok to put guppies in with them?
Guppies are harmless enough, but they prefer warmer temperatures than newts do. It would be best for the newts to allow their tank temperature to drop as low as possible in the winter, and the guppies won't like this (or could die). I have some white cloud mountain minnows in some of my newt tanks, and these are about the only fish I would recommend. They are small, harmless, colorful, and cold-tolerant.
ive got a small tank that has some white cloud mountain minnows and zebra danios in it. Would it be alright if i also put the zebra danios in with the newts?
Zebra danios prefer warmer water however they are so hardy that they may survive. The question that you really have to ask yourself is which do you want more, healthy newts kept properly at optimum temperatures in one tank and healthy fish kept properly in another tank or mixing the two together with the result being either very uncomfortable newts or fish (depending on the temperature) that will eventually die from stress related problems?
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