Captive Bread
New member
Title says it all. I have been cycling my 20 long terrarium for two months that I would be getting marbled newts in (I don't have them yet but I may have to cancel my reservation from the breeder now). All went very well, plants are happy and springtails + isopods are everywhere but I noticed little yellow mites very recently. I assumed they were soil mites, but this morning I saw one chase down and eat a poor young springtail. It is only reasonable to assume that these mites will spawn out of control and wipe out everything. I don't have very good photos, so the right one is a stock photo of what it kind of looks like up close.
Is there ANYTHING I can do? I have the sinking feeling that I am completely done for...
Is there ANYTHING I can do? I have the sinking feeling that I am completely done for...