Mites and shipping trauma


May 14, 2010
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Hey guys,

Before I go one, I just want to say this, please keep this civil, please I am already upset enough, I don't want anyone getting angry at me.

My morphed axie arrived today, the seller didn't pack her like I had instructed him too, she arrived in a cardboard box packed in a fish bag with a few CM of water. I asked him to pack her the way it says in this article Caudata Culture Articles - Shipping she would have been thrown around a lot, I am very worried about her, she has no external damage but I'm not sure about internal damage, is that possible?

Also she has mites, what can I do about that? She is in a small 4 litre tub so she doesn't spread them to her bigger tub and so I can kep her in the upstaird fridge and keep a closer eye on her. I am really worried can someone please help?


Thanks in advance,
Re: Mites and shipping truama

Oh and you will notice the soil is stuck to her, some water from her bag got in there and made the surface wet, she was also very wet and it stuck to her.
Re: Mites and shipping truama

Do you know she has mites? I don't see any signs of them in the pictures.
Re: Mites and shipping truama

sorry to hear the shipper didn't pay attention - I dunno, but from the pic she looks healthy enough. Where are those mites you say she has - which part of her body, what size/color are they, and how many?
Re: Mites and shipping truama

She doesn't have too many, most are around her fingers and between her legs and body. They are around half a mm long and redish brown. I picked a fair few off with tweezers before the picture.

She seems to be recovering she has started to walk again, she still doesn't appear to be exactly right though. Otherwise she looks pretty healthy, nice and plump, no sores. She wont eat though, thats probabaly from stress though right?
Re: Mites and shipping truama

Just wash it off with running tap water for a few minutes and place it in mite free soil. It won't be any worse than what that guy does to force them to morph you bought her from.
Re: Mites and shipping truama

We have chlorine in our water, that would kill her. The morphing process isn't actually that bad but I feel if we start discussing that people will end up fighting....
Re: Mites and shipping truama

We have chlorine in our water, that would kill her.

Small exposures to regular tap water isn't lethal. Some people, myself included, even use chlorinated tap water as a treatment option for various topical conditions.
Re: Mites and shipping truama

Thanks for your help Justin!!! I appreciate it :)

I might use that as a last resort, I don't think I'm brave enough to try that. I'll try Ed's suggestion of isotops first combined with a washing from rain water. Our water here is disgusting and it doesn't get added to any tanks. Will keep it in mind though, thanks :)
Re: Mites and shipping truama

Thanks for your help Justin!!! I appreciate it :)

I might use that as a last resort, I don't think I'm brave enough to try that. I'll try Ed's suggestion of isotops first combined with a washing from rain water. Our water here is disgusting and it doesn't get added to any tanks. Will keep it in mind though, thanks :)

Rain water will have potentially more contaminates than your tap water and at least that is regulated:(
Re: Mites and shipping truama

Small exposures to regular tap water isn't lethal. Some people, myself included, even use chlorinated tap water as a treatment option for various topical conditions.

Agreed. I don't see an issue with mites either.

She does look a bit dry though. I would keep her in a clean empty plastic box with a few damp paper towels (only time I advocate use of paper toweling!), keep her cool and in the dark, and feed here lots of earthworms.

It is perfectly normal for terrestrial amphibians to be a little shaken up after a trip through the post. Be patient and give her a week to "calm down".
Re: Mites and shipping truama

How awful! It's a real shame when people are careless like this. I am happy she made it to your home where she can get the care she deserves. Be very careful when removing mites, since plucking them off can sometimes cause injury to the skin. So take it slow and don't force it.

As for water, if you have concern about your water sources you should just get some jugs of distilled water and keep them on hand. We have fairly nice deep well water, complete with nice minerals, but I do also have distilled water on hand just in case I need a really clean source.

'Fluffing' up the moist paper towels may help her when she moves through them and wipes off some of the dirt. Make sure you change the towels regularly so that she doesn't get dirty again. One way to tell if she has any damage is to watch for strange swelling or something that looks out of place.

I think some peace, quiet and gentle TLC will make up for the rough ride she got. It sounds like she is in good hands.
Re: Mites and shipping truama

How is this?

Our rain water is very clean here, I live on the oceon so our air is very clean as well, I don't live in the city either. The tap water has amonia, nitrites and heavy metals depending on what day it is and where the wate is coming from.

I washed the mites off, I can't see anymore. I'm keeping her in the fridge. She has a white swollen lump at the base of one of her toes, I couldn't get a picture bt it wasn't there yesterday.
Re: Mites and shipping truama

The swelling has gone down and she is beggining to put wieght on that leg.
Re: Mites and shipping truama

Forgive me if this has been discussed elsewhere but is someone in Austrailia forcing axolotls to morph so they can be sold as salamanders?

Care requirements are as for Ambystoma tigrinum Caudata Culture Species Entry - Tiger salamander
Re: Mites and shipping truama

Yes there is.

Thanks, I've been reading up as much as I can on tiger salamders, I understand their care is pretty much identicle.
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Re: Mites and shipping truama

Thought I would update you all on Lilly's condition. She now walks around confidently, she's not at all weak! She still will not eat anything I offer, this would be because her metabolism is so low correct? The mites have also not returned :D thanks everybody for their help!
Re: Mites and shipping truama

She still wont eat, I've been trying to hand feed her crickets and worms, she wont even open her mouth. Justin suggested I raise the temperature up from 6 to 10, it only goes to 7 though so its at 7 degrees now. She just molted as well... I threw the molt out though but I've just learn;t I'm supposed to leave it in there, will keep that in mind for next time. Any tips on what I can do?
Re: Mites and shipping truama

Well its not surprising with the amount of stress she's gone through, that she wouldn't be in the mood to eat. Your feeding techniques seem fine, I would continue to try earthworm pieces. The one thing I found helped when I had a newt that refused to eat for about 2 months was I fed him a waxworm. It was like magic, he immediately gobbled it down. So I like to suggest that as well for critters that just won't eat. Good luck.
Re: Mites and shipping truama

I can vouch for the magic of waxworms as well. Just leave her alone, I've received perfectly healthy tiger salamanders that wouldn't touch food for weeks while settling in. Lack of appetite is perfectly normal for an animal recently received.
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