Missing post, no explanation


New member
Nov 16, 2011
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exeter, devon
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So my thread i posted yesterday has been moved, i did write in the post if i had posted in wrong section then sorry, but to have it removed with no explanation why and not be told were it has been moved to, well sorry but surely an explanation is needed, however short and to the point. I abided by the rules to my knowledge, generalising location and asking a general question, i in no way named or pinpointed anything or anyone. Would just like to know if i had done something wrong, if so sorry, but no explanation is a bit hard to accept, seen as it says if a post won't fit here or is off topic post here.:confused:
I replied to your post yesterday and added some links to outside websites for information. Do you think this was the reason? If so I apologise but surely just my post will have been removed, not the whole thread? I know that advertising outside links is forbidden but I wasn't sure about outside sources of information and thought this would be OK. People post links to videos, photos, articles, etc quite a lot.

Hello, i was the one that moved the thread.
I did it as a precaution since you specifically asked for locations, and even though the rest of your post was not necessarily problematic, that bit attracted answers that would contravene the forum rules.
I apologize for not providing an explanation at the time but i thought it wasn´t that necessary. The thread was not deleted, it was just moved as a precaution so that the admins could examine it and decide themselves. If they think it´s acceptable they´ll just move it back. It´s not different from posts that have to be moderated. I feel this post required moderation, but since it was posted in an area of the forum that doesn´t require it, it was never subjected to it.
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Thanks, just wanted to take the kids on a little nature hunt, normally if something is moved a reason is given, so was a bit puzzled. I did read about the 'posting links and outside media' so maybe that is the reason, no apology needed though, i did read that if you want to post anything with outside media, then sometimes its better to personal message, so if it's not too cheeky, would you mind messaging me any info, just really early into my love of nature/the planet/living things, so not a lot of knowledge on our own species that are walking/crawling/inhabiting our rivers/lakes/woodlands. On another note, i hope your Axolotls are doing well, i am missing owning them, and the others i parted with, and having to look at my empty tanks is a killer, but having a good time reading more and more and learning what species and their environments that there actually is. Anyway, thanks.
Hi, thanks Rodrigo, sort of found out the problem, which was an honest mistake, but was a little puzzled earlier. Sorry for my moan, had not long woke up, so please forget the issue, and thanks again. No more posting from me unless i have been awake for an hour or more!!!!!!
Hello, i was the one that moved the thread.
I did it as a precaution since you specifically asked for locations, and even though the rest of your post was not necessarily problematic, that bit attracted answers that would contravene the forum rules.
I apologize for not providing an explanation at the time but i thought it wasn´t that necessary. The thread was not deleted, it was just moved as a precaution so that the admins could examine it and decide themselves. If they think it´s acceptable they´ll just move it back. It´s not different from posts that have to be moderated. I feel this post required moderation, but since it was posted in an area of the forum that doesn´t require it, it was never subjected to it.

i posted a thread about spring salamanders and i cant find it
any help?
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