last night one of my fire-bellys came up missing. the odd thing is it was the one who never left the float. i had never seen it in the water until this time. anyway i looked every where and couldn't find him. i even went through the plants and moved things around. not thinking a newt could fit behind a filter i didn't look. about 45 mins later i see this little orangish thing sticking out from the side of the filter. i turned the tank to look and there it was sitting half in the water half out, on the top suction cup. i moved him back to the float and not a second later he was in the water and going to the filter. he likes it, but i don't i don't want him to get trapped, any ideas?
(Message edited by beejium on September 09, 2006)
(Message edited by beejium on September 09, 2006)