I am on the state line of Michigan and Indiana. I own 50 acres of wetlands on a river. I have always assumed it was great "salamander" property, but I have lived here 18 years and have never seen one. I think after reading some other posts that I have been looking in the wrong places.
I was planning on looking in the small "puddles" of standing water once I heard the first frog calls. (None yet).
Up till now I have looked in the same permanent marsh waters that I find plenty of frog tadpoles. I have never found a salamander larvae. I have found small fish of misc varieties. I even find a few hatching turtles in my driveway in the spring and fall.
This spring I will be on a mission to find out if salamanders really do live in our wetlands. One problem I can think of is right now the river is flooded and about 25 of my 50 acres are under water. The salamanders may know better and live on the opposite river bank that has 15 feet higher ground elevation than my side.
If anyone has any insights, I would appreciate knowing why I can't find salamanders.