Metronidazole dosage


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Nov 5, 2012
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Hello all.

So about a month ago i cleaned my sponge filters. And i do so by using the tank water in a container and squeezing the sponges in it. I preposely left the container full of the dirty water to see if anything was growing in the filters. I have checked it every few days and never saw anything till yesterday. I see lots of seed shrimp and Alot of what i can only discibe and small worms. Ive kept fish all my life and have never seen these worms.

They are 1mm (millimeter) in lenth and a little thiner than a strand of hair. They are pink in colour. Each on its own looks white/transparent. How i know they are pink, is they are grouping up at the water surface along the walls of the container almost like they are comming up for air. Unlike planaria or ditritus worms They barely even move. They dont swim in the water colum. They just move up the sides of the container.

Does anyone happen to know what this might be from what i have discribed

Please note i live where we have no aquarium stores. And if i need to dose with something hopefully i can using pharmacy /drug store medicin made for humans.

I was trying to read up on what i can give and kept seeing MetroPlex /metronidazole i have these tablets here at home. Each tablet is 250mg. Note its metronidazole made for humans. And metronidazole is the only tjing is the tablets (not mixed with anything else)

Can/should i give this to my Axies? If so. How?

Note my Axies are eating well and have some good weight to them. And i dont see any signs of stress or parisites. At least from the outside

Thanks amd hope someone could help
there are numerous species of possible worms that could be inhabiting your tank, anything from panaria to blackworms tubifex.
as for Metronidazole dosage the only info is 50mg/l 24hr bath for aquatic species of amphibian, I have uploaded the formulary.


  • Amphibians - Brent R. Whitaker.pdf
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