Meet Hannibal


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2010
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United States
My large, pond-like apuanus tank had a nasty algae outbreak, so on the weekend I did some weeding, cleaning and replanting. In the process I found many larvae that have hatched and are growing in the tank. Most were small, but one big fat whopper stood out that was 3 times the size of all others. He's either a lot older or (as I suspect) has given himself a bit of a boost by feasting on some of his smaller siblings. Hence I named him "Hannibal". Here he is watching his dad or uncle court one of his mama's tank mates:


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OMG!!! That gives me the chills.

Hannibal Lectur is no joke.
Congratulations on the larvae. I hope to breed some one day
there was another hanibal sighting. he now comes out in full daylight right next to Mom and Pop. I guess with increasing size comes incresed confidence. He alway has a full belly; Lord knows what-all he finds in Mom and Pop's great big tank.

What intrigues me is his beautiful tapered tail. I always thought - and read in several guidebooks etc - that alpine newt larvae have blunt tail tips. My other ones that I raise separately have blunt tail tips. Now I wonder if that's a result of too much sibling rivalry during feeding rather than an anatomical feature...


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i like hannibal reminds me of a crested version who eat all his bros n hos he shared his tank with learned a harsh lesson of raising marbled,crested etc individualy or by size damned hungry rascal
Hannibal is a beauty. I want more newts but can't decide on which kind.

I have a type of bromeliad plant - it is called "Hannibal Lector". Beautiful plant with striped leaves. There is also a "Clarise" but I don't have that one. Hannibal is the dark green one on the left.

I have a type of bromeliad plant - it is called "Hannibal Lector".

lovely bromeliad. Although I must say that "Hannibal Lecter" might be a better name for a carnivorous plant :p
Herbivorous plant would be even better! :wacko:
here is a recent sighting of Hannibal in his parents' tank. He now has a young apprentice (see 3rd pic) who is about half his size. They were both out snapping up Daphnia after I threw a net-full in there.

I know why Hannibal managed to survive and grow so well: he is in his own class in terms of aggression and hunting skills. I saw him pursue a single Daphnia across the entire tank, and when I poked my finger in the water he attacked it! If you can believe such a thing. If he were any bigger, I'd be afraid of him. :eek:


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Hannibal is thinking about morphing. His crest has gone back a bit and his belly is turning orange. He's 6.5 cm long. He's out in full daylight all the time now and no longer makes any great effort to hide from Mom and Pop.

Here some pics from today:


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Well, can only say that Anibal is a splendid little fella! Well in fact splendid big fella! 6,5cm is outstanding! bigger than some adult males from Lissotriton genus!!
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    AxieCrazy: My axolotl’s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple... +1