My larvae from the breddings on January are late but morphing.
I have sucessfull raise 7 larvae from juvies but this morning 3 of them were dead. I suppose that were the first ones that died Those who have morped 1 month or more. I didn´t get it... they were fine even yesterday and today were in a C shape dead... I puted them in a IceBox (one of those used for take to picnincs to maintain things cold) and after 1 week, give or take, this happened... most of them have eaten but sudentlly died... the frezing water box was laid just under them... cold it be just to cold?? I have recentry changed them to paper towels in the ground and i think i souldnt have do it:angry:...
any guess?
I have sucessfull raise 7 larvae from juvies but this morning 3 of them were dead. I suppose that were the first ones that died Those who have morped 1 month or more. I didn´t get it... they were fine even yesterday and today were in a C shape dead... I puted them in a IceBox (one of those used for take to picnincs to maintain things cold) and after 1 week, give or take, this happened... most of them have eaten but sudentlly died... the frezing water box was laid just under them... cold it be just to cold?? I have recentry changed them to paper towels in the ground and i think i souldnt have do it:angry:...
any guess?