I have no reason to point the finger at Marc / Mark.
He knew the History of the jaw because it was a mutual friend, but nothing more. Yes, it was quite boring because it was the animal would have to be a problem to some time, and not just shipping. However, if it was a problem he had since the metamorphosis, why he not died in the breeder and only died at the arrive?
As for prices I do not see anything ridiculous. Yes, there are animals that can get cheaper through these breeders, but I see that the prices of he it is not bad.
Speaking of Chioglossa, I do not know. That is more worrying! However I think that capture ''is not'' the big problem ... Unfortunately, in Portugal they are almost extinct but due to habitat destruction, and now that is truly bad. Because in any case, there was always catches of other species and there has never been problems too pronounced.
As for Marc, I'm not for or against it, just try to see both sides of the situation.