Best of luck with yours, Jeff.
Interesting, Benjamin. It would be interesting to see a pic of one with a large but flopping crest -- other than roadkill
Thanks Pin-pin. The best part about it is that I've raised them from when they were just itty-bitty things 2 years ago. To see them change before my eyes like this is a blast! Much more rewarding than buying parasite-infested adult newts from a pet shop as in my previous experience with this species.
True, come feeding time, they have always been pretty aggressive, eating three times as much as any of my Cynops of similar size would!
On land, they've always been tame and sluggish (partly because they're fat from eating so much!). But the ones that are now in the water seem to have undergone a personality makeover. They're suddenly quick and alert, and engaging in some interesting display behavior with each other. Since a three aquatic ones are males, who knows, they might be establishing a pecking order of sorts. I've seen a couple bites occur but also a lot of "sniffing" going on. I guess they're feeling amorous and are anxious for the females to take to the water
I'm carefully watching the third one that just entered the water on its own. Compared with the two that had been in the water already, the tail is thinner and the white sheen (if that's indeed what it is) is smaller, and so are the developing crest and cloaca.
(Message edited by TJ on March 15, 2005)