Marbled Salamander Home



Here is the links to my Marbeled Sals home. (you can click on the other links there to see other pictures) There is only one salamander at the moment, but I plant to get one more. The water fall falls in the middle over rocks, into a small pool. Plants include creeping fig, moss's and pothos. The Salamander harldy ever comes out, and burrows peacefully under that peace of wood to the left. Ask me about anything, express any concerns, comment about anything. Thanks
that's a great tank, but i don't think it is good for opacum, i've always been told that water is a bad idea for them.

but it is a great thank anyway.
I'd agree with Will. Whilst it looks like a great tank, suitable for many amphibians, I'd suggest more of a woodland theme for opacum. Topsoil, leaflitter and logs works well. The waterfall and rocks arn't really necessary.
Hmmm, thanks for the comments. I will add more leaf litter, and logs. You can't see very well in the photo, but there is a large log that he hides under, and hardly ever comes into contact with water. But like I said, I will take your comments into consideration, thanks guys!
just because they aren't around in the day doesn't mean they crawl around at night, you could find a drowned salamander on your hands
I never said he never comes out at night, and like I said I will be making changes. Have a good day.
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